Agent Washington

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        Agent Washington walked down the street. He walked into a store to find it being robbed. The robber said, "Down on the ground." Washington did as he was told. He knew he couldn't interfere, or it would give him away. He decided to do it anyway. He got up and knocked the man out with one good hit to the back of the head. The cashier looked at him and said, "Thank you. Here, have some money. I will also let you have something for free." Washington said thanks and picked up a candy bar. He walked out and continued walking down the street. Washington looked at the newspaper. "Red and Blue troopers of Project Freelancer freed."  The article read, "Project Freelancer had Red and Blue troopers that weren't trained to use as training for the freelancers. They were allowed to go home. The seven that didn't have families went back to where they were stationed at Valhalla. These seven were: Lavernius Tucker, Michael J. Caboose, Sarge, Dick Simmons, Dexter Grif, Frank DuFresne, and Franklin Delano Donut." Wash was surprised that those idiots went back to their outpost. He decided to go pay them a visit. 

        At Valhalla, the Reds and Blues were at peace after the fake war between the two colored armies. A pelican was landing, and they all went to see who it was.  Washington stepped off the pelican, and it took off. Tucker said, "Wash, what are you doing here?" Washington replied, "Coming to stay with you idiots for a while. Are any other freelancers here?" Tucker replied, "Carolina came through. She didn't stay, she left when she saw us." Wash replied, "That's Carolina for you." Tucker said, "Come on, we'll give you Church's old armor, then hide that in case the government comes through." They walked off the get Washington new armor."  

        Ohio wakes up from his sleeps to the sound of pounding on the door. "We know you're in there." Ohio quickly plants a C4 by the door and hops out the window, shutting it. When the door opens, he blows the C4, killing a few men. He runs around to the garage, and gets in the car. He starts it and drives off onto the highway. He soon has pursuers. He dodges and weaves through traffic, causing his pursuers to crash and create a traffic jam. He escapes into the metro tunnel. He gets out of the car and puts a C4 on it. He triggers it and walks away, not looking at the explosion. He finds the part of the old construction site for the metro that was never finished. He gets inside and barricades what's left off. He strips out of his armor and lies back down. He goes to sleep. 

        Back at Valhalla, Washington has Church's old armor. It is lightish blue with yellow detail. He goes to his bunk to find a note. It is for the Director. It reads: 

        Dear  Director,   

                It has come to my attention that you have caused millions of innocent lives. This is unacceptable, and must be dealt with in legal terms. Project Freelancer is now an enemy to the United States of America. My men shall arrive on October 5 at 7:00 P.M to destroy Valhalla. Be prepared.     


                                                                                                                                                                           The President of the United States of America 

        Washington realizes that it is 6:30 P.M. They have 30 minutes to get out there before the U.S forces show up. He warns everyone, but by they are about to leave, the United States government shows up. The president asks, "Who are you, newcomer?" Wash replies, "I am Private Andersmith. John Andersmith." The president check his files and says, "Oh, you are listed here. Well, since you aren't a threat, we will leave you." They leave, and everyone sighs. "That was a close one." Grif said. Wash said, "Yeah, everyone get to bed. We have a lot to do tomorrow." Everyone went back to their respected bases and went back to sleep.


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