The Finale...Or Is It?

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Ohio and his team got ready to be captured. Ohio asked, "You know the plan. If it goes to waste, then Church and I will conduct our special plan." They beamed down in front of the door. They guards put drew their weapons. Ohio and his team layed their weapons down and surrendered. The guards took them prisoner and led them towards the Flood leader.

        Carolina had her team found four guards. They all rushed the guards and knocked them out. They took them into a building and put on the guards' armor. They beamed their armor up to the ship. They went back to the post that the guards were at and more guards showed up to relieve them. They followed the one guard to their next post, which just so happened to be guarding the Flood Leader. 

        The four that were captured finally got to the Flood leader. The flood Leader looked and asked, "Any last words before you go?" Ohio said, "You're fucked." The Flood Leader said, "Take them to the execution room. Make sure to take them past the core. I want them to get a good look at it before they die. Any volunteers to take them?" The four undercover guards raised their hands along with two others. The Flood Leader said, "Take them." The guards started walking the four. The chairman asked, "Can I go?" The Flood leader nodded, and the chairman ran to catchup.

        As they neared the core the eight that were freelancers took a good look at it. It was spherical and orange. The four freelance guards took out the other two guards, which alerted the two in the core room. They were shot down and the cameras were shot. The four that were handcuffed grabbe dthe keys and undid the handcuffs. Ohio started wiring the bomb into the core.

        The rest of the freelancers and reds and blues were beamed down in front of the exit door. They took their weapons out and shot everything that wasn't human. After a few minutes, they realized that they weren't enough. Simmons said, "We aren't enough. Get in there and tell Ohio to hurry up." Caboose ran in and started making his way to Ohio. 

        Ohio finished wiring the bomb as a gunshot rang through everyone's ears. They all looked o see Tucker on the ground holding below his heart, and the Chairman holding a gun. Ohio killed the chairman and rushed to Tucker. Tucker said, "I'll detonate the bomb. There isn't any chance for me to live." Ohio said, "No, I won't let you die." Tucker said, "Just shut the fuck up and give it to me." Ohio said, "Bow chicka bow wow." Tucker said, "Give me the damn detonater." Ohio looked to Carolina and said, "All of you, take Tucker and leave. Clear a pathway. Carolina, I need Church.Maybe he can amp up my armor ability. This is Plan B. This is the plan where I die." Carolina gave Church to Ohio and they all left, shooting their way out. Ohio asked Church, "You remember the plan?" Church replied, Yep. Do you have all of the other AI?" Ohio looked at the black device on his wrist. "Yep, they're all here. Delta, Gamma, Theta, Omega, Sigma, Eta, Itoa,and you, Epsilon." 

        Everyone could see the door. "How will Ohio know when we've gone?" Tucker asked. Wash said, "The notification."  Just as Wash said that, the Flood leader hit him, sending him flying across the hangar. Everyone open fired on the Flood leader, but he said, "I've created the perfect body. Your bomb will not stop me. I can survive the universe exploding." The flood came in and knocked everyone to the ground. Tucker got up and activated his energy sword. He limp-ran over to the Flood leader and tried to damage him, but the Flood leader swiped up cutting Tucker up his chest, also sending him flying by Caboose. Tucker looked at Caboose and said, "Caboose, look after my energy sword? I give you permission to activate it." Caboose nodded and picked up the sword, activating it. He ran at the Flood leader and swished, but the same thing happened to him as to Tucker. He put the energy sword on his belt and let himself suffer.

        Church said, "Tucker and Caboose are in critical condition. Whichone do you want me to save?" Ohio asked, "Let CAboose go into armor lock, amplify it." Church said, "Done." Ohio said, "Good, now let's go do something about the Flood leader." He walked toward the hangar.

        Back in the hangar, the rest were taking a beating. Ohio yelled, "Let them go, and we'll settle this the old-fashioned way." The Flood leader looked at Ohio and said, "Ok. Prepare to die." Ohio waled into postion as the others walked out, getting beamed up to the ship. The only people left were an armor-locked Caboose and Ohio. Ohio pulled his energy sword out and ran at the Flood leader, slicing him. He healed right away. "Please, it'll take more than that. But please, since this will be the last time we talk to each other, call me Commander Keyes.  After all, this is his body."  Ohio said, "Hi, I'll call you Bob instead." Bob said, "Die." As Bob ran at Ohio, the button was pressed and Ohio yelled to Church, "Initiate the Plan." Church did as told as the explosion happened.

       The core exploded, and any flood that were on Earth left the bodies they were in and vaporized. All of the damage the flood had done was still there, but all of the changes the looked like The Flood were gone. Everything was back to normal other than the fact that half of New York City was blown to smithereens.

Everyone looked at the screen, watching the explosion. They knew that Ohio and Caboose were dead. South didn't make it to the final battle. She was gunned down while protecting her brother. Tucker was rushed into the med bay to have surgery done. North didn't make it either. We tried to carry his sister's body back to be beamed up and was shot in the head. Bismarck sat in silence, feeling guilty tht he knew Ohio's secret plan. He was part of it. They all mourned the five casualties to their team: Ohio, Caboose, South, North, and Wyoming. They spent the rest of the night doing that.

        The next day, they all went down to Earth and the ex-slaves were helping clear the rubble. They spent most of the day doing that until about 6:00 P.M. They then got on a stage and Tucker, who was being held the Maine and Tex, started giving a speech. "As you all know, we are the Freelancers and the Reds and Blues of Project Freelancer. You know most of it. We were at war that blew up part of the city, so on and so forth. Agent Ohio took over after everything and made me his Second-In-Command. The Flood took over and we stopped them after a while. We had five main casualties during the entire war for Earth. They were: Agents Ohio, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Agent Wyoming. The other one was Private Michael J. Caboose of the Blue Team. Now that I am in charge, Project Freelancer is now the government that will lead everything until we find a new one. Even then, we will keep them in check. All of the Insurrectionists and the Chairman are dead. When Project Freelancer started the Red and Blue war, we were all about it. Then after so many adventures together, we came to realize that it was never Red vs. Blue. It was always the Reds and Blues. Plus it was a fake war sim program for the Freelancers. The message I'm trying to send out is that your greatest enemy canbe your greatest ally, and vice versa. The chairman started helping us in the end, but eventually turned on us and shot me. We all feared that we would lose. But Ohio told us a speech that changed all of our minds. The greatest quote from it is: "It's doesn't matter if you aren't as tough or brave as the enmy. You are only as strong, tough, brave, etc, as you believe you are. So, believe that you are tougher than your enemy and you're sure to win." Thank you." Tucker ended his speech and they all went to their homes, They brought a construction team with them to BloodGulch to give it an upgrade. Their plan was to live their once they had a new government that all they would have to do is keep it in check. Bismarck wished them a farewell and told them that he had other things to do in a galaxy far, far away. He beamed up to his ship.

        That night, they all sat around a campfire mourning the five losses they all experienced. What they didn't know is that up on the cliff, two soldiers were watching them.  One was dawning steel colored raider armor, and the other was dawning blue Mark VI armor. A sapphire AI appeared in between theeir heads and asked, "Are you sure this is a good idea?" The one wearing raider armor replied, "Yes, Church. It is." Church said, "Whatever you say," and disappeared. The one wearing raider armor commed someone and said, "Beam us up, Bismarck." Bismarck answered, "Ok." They beamed up. They walked onto the bridge and the pilot asked, "Where do you want to go?" The one wearing raider armor said, "Take us somewhere." They warped away. Only Bismarck knew that those two soldiers were Agent Ohio and Caboose. 

OMG! How did Ohio and Caboose survive? Will we ever find out? This isn't the end guys. It's just the end of the War Arc. The next arc will be the Hunt Arc. What will that consist of? Find out.  Check out my profile. I have a few stories on there.

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