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        Ohio stumbled forward, clutching his chest where the stab wound was. He asked aloud, "What is this place? The afterlife?" Sev walked forward, clapping and laughing. Ohio said, "If it is, then I must be in hell." Sev said, "No, you are merely in a coma by the poison that was on the blade I stabbed you with. I'm merely just an image created by your subconscious." Ohio asked, "Why you? Why not someone on my side?" Sev said, "That way you can know that I was the one who causes your death in 20 days. The poison can not be stopped, but it can be slowed down until your body eventually gives up. There is no way to save you. It also created my image because the words you last heard came from my mouth." Ohio asked, "What were those words?" Sev said, " I said, and I quote, 'You have a traitor on your side, you fool.'" Ohio asked, "Who is it?" Sev said, "Don't worry, you'll know when you wake up in my labs because I have the cure." Ohio said, "If you are my subconscious, then how do you know about the cure to Sev's poison." Sev said, "Oh, it was a programmable poison. I programmed it to be your subconscoius for a few minutes to inform you. Bye." And with that, Sev's image left, leaving Ohio all alone.

        As Doc and a few other doctors were transporting Ohio's body to a location with more advanced medicine and stuff, one got up and killed the other two doctors. He pointed his gun at Doc and said, "Hasta La Vista, Doc. It is a shame that you won't fight back since you're a pacifist. Doc quickly tried to defend himself, but was knocked down. "What happened to being a pacifist?" Doc replied, "I just don't believe in being on the offensive. I will, however, defend myself at any cost." The doctor got up and said, "That's good. Pilot, take us to the location. As the other doctor went into the cockpit, Doc took the wrist device and put put the AI chips into his storage unit.

        An hour later, they arrived at the Insurrectionist capital. Ohio was taken to a wing while Sev talked to Doc. "You will work for me after Ohio is cured, since I have the cure. I assume you want to hear my evil plan." Doc said, "Sure." Sev started, "It is simple. Since Ohio is currently the most badass being in the universe, I will brainwash him into helping me take over the world." Doc said, "You'll need something better thanthe most technology in existence to brainwash Ohio. He has a resilient brain." Sev said, "Don't worry, I can do pretty much anything since I have my upgrade to Sev 3.0." Doc asked, "Why are you upgrading yourself?" Sev replied, "Simple, Ohio made me a cyborg, so I am going to make myself a full-fledged robot. I'm a mere few upgrades away. I believe I'll be Sev 7.0 when I'm a full-fledged robot." Doc said, "I won't work for you." Sev said, "Do it, or I will have Ohio kill you." Doc reluctlanty agreed as he had no choice.

        Back at Freelancer base, everyone had figured out the betrayal. Tucker said, "Doc was with them, but he wouldn't betray Ohio. He was merely a witness that'll be forced to work for Sev." Caboose said, "Then we'll attack the capital again tomorrow. This time, we're using a different strategy." Wash asked, "What strategy?" Caboose said, "Simple, instead of going in loud, we'll go in silent. Six of us will go get Ohio and Doc, while the rest of the armies defend once we get figured out." Donut said, "I'll go in." Caboose said, "I'll decide who goes in. It's Dount, Wash, Tucker, Carolina, Tex, and myself." They went and got ready for the next day.

        That night, Doc decided to do something he swore he would never purposely do. He swore he would never kill someone, but then he realized that he had the most kills out of all the Insurrectionists. His kills were the lives he couldn't save. But that night, he did what he had to do to protect Ohio, and he did it himself, not because of Omega. He turned off the lights and turned on his night vision. The doctor that was prepping Ohio for brainwashing got confused and said, "What the he-." He never got to finish his sentence because Doc killed him. He stabbed him right in the heart then took the body outside and burned it to ash. He went back to Ohio to find him gone. They had taken him off to brainwash him, he laughed at their stupidity.

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