t h i r t y - f i v e

305 29 58

「 look at me one last time,
smile like nothing’s wrong,
so when i miss you i can remember 」

A soft ding! rang out in the noisy office, indicating that the elevator had stopped at their floor and almost instantly, an audible hush went across the area

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A soft ding! rang out in the noisy office, indicating that the elevator had stopped at their floor and almost instantly, an audible hush went across the area. Anxious mouse pad clicks resounded as workers struggled to pull up some sort of work related article or email to read.

There was a low hum from the elevator again and it's doors parted. A waft of Yves Kouros Silver Cologne filled the air, turning it still.

The boots on the linoleum marched in perfect rhythm and the staff snapped into serious work mode - keys clacking and faces straight. Nobody turned or even dared to look up from their screens as he passed, all except the new girl who didn't know better yet, she caught his eye and he stopped.

"Yukhei." His voice was barely over a whisper, but with the pin-dropping silence in the room, everyone could hear him loud and clear.

The Office Manager stood up apprehensively, "Yes, sir?"

He gestured at the mouth-agaped new intern. "Get her to report to me with a full run-down of her work at the end of the day, and," his voice turned sharp. "Personally make sure she familiarise herself with the rules of the place."

"Yes, sir."

Without another glance back, he strode into his opaque office and the office workers' shoulders sagged in relief.

Their relief was short-lived, however.

The Huang Clan's underboss came running from the stairs a second later, his face sheet white as he held up his phone. He made a beeline for the boss' office, but not before shooting them a nasty look and a warning that he'd give them all a paycut if he spotted a single one of them slacking.

"Sir," he said, knocking on the man's personal office door almost too urgently. His eyes were gleaming in excitement for unknown reasons. "It's Justin."

"Come in."

The fluffy haired brunette burst in, closing the door behind him quickly and speeding to the man-in-charge. "A call just came in from the Lees. They are back in business, sir," he whispered, loud enough only for the other man to hear. "Lee Taeyong has returned."

"Ah, some good news at last." Kunhang sank back into his cushioned chair with a quiet sigh of solace, a satisfied smile growing across his lips. "Hallelujah, praise the Lord. What's that perfect saying for a moment like this again?"

Justin scratched the back of his head, "If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands?"

The heavy shutter of the Lee Headquarters' garage went up like stage curtains, revealing one of the most prestigious race cars in the world park right in the centre of the vast emptiness.

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