t h i r t y - f o u r

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「 as you say, you've beaten me before. but that was a long time ago, Vicomte. and we were playing a different game 」

"Ah Lee Taeyong, I've been expecting you

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"Ah Lee Taeyong, I've been expecting you."

The bleached-haired boy chuckled, despite the intensity of situation. He moved closer to the man, flicking the safety off for the grand finale. "Aw I'm blushing, sir."

The corners of the Park Clan leader's lips curled, "Very honoring, isn't it?" His hands twitched towards his table where a gun sat, but before his hand reached, Taeyong kicked the weapon away, sitting himself on the desk.

"Absolutely," the bleached-haired boy cocked his gun, pressing it to the right-smack middle of the other man's forehead. "Now let's get some things done."

Mr Park raised both hands in a surrendering motion, "One moment, Taeyong."

Despite the better part of him telling him not to hesitate, the Lee second-in-command did anyway.

"How about I tell you some things, you can decide if you still want to kill me after hearing them." The Park leader hastily continued after seeing the young boy cock a brow, "It'll only take up a minute of your time, no worries."

Taeyong's lips thinned but he made no action to fire, so the other man took it as a cue to carry on.

"Have you ever wondered who killed your father?"

The younger boy rolled his eyes, "Yes, the Lee Clan. You're so late on the news, old man-"

"The Lee Clan?" Mr Park echoed with a laugh. "You truly think Lee Jinhyung's bunch of hooligans can defeat Kyungsoo, Taeyong? If they could, he would have died so much earlier, son."

The bleached-haired boy's arm was growing numb from being held up in it's stagnant position, but Taeyong didn't dare lower it.

"Have you ever wondered why the Lees took the unspeakable oath? Blood ties don't matter anymore when you mess up in the Lee Clan, Taeyong. You should know that better than anyone else. You can try to convince yourself with the bullshit Lee Jinhyung told everyone about how your father's status saved you but deep down you know it isn't, don't you? You Lees live by the 'a life for a life' rule. Your father took someone else's life to save yours." At Taeyong's accusing gaze, Mr Park sighed. "Don't look at me like that, sweet boy. I didn't kill Kyungsoo." The Park leader looked almost...pitying? "The Park Clan was just a group of...lousy street thugs back then. We were worse off than the Lees."

A muscle in the younger boy's cheek jumped. He had the faintest idea where the other man was going with this, but he refused to let the idea sink in without valid proof.

"But someone wasn't, Taeyong," the Park leader was smiling now. "The same someone would never be too." He lowered his hands and weaved his fingers together thoughtfully. "It is so vexing, isn't it? No matter what we- as a Park or even as a Lee- do, we can't prove ourselves to be better than the Kims. All these petty Lee-Park fights, bloodshed, this whole game of thrones. All for a King title that would never truly be ours? Ridiculous, isn't it? Let us join together, Taeyong. Park and Lee Clan. We must end our common enemy, the White Lady-"

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