The New Girl

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Riley Nottingham walked into her high school with her head held up high. All heads turned to look at her and she loved the attention. Why shouldn't she? She was, after all, the most popular girl in the school. All the girls wanted to be her and all the boys wanted her. But she only wanted one. Percy Jackson.

The definition of perfect. His hair was a Raven black colour and his hair was always messy but that just added to his perfection. His sea-green eyes were like the ocean and they were beautiful. His body was toned and you could see his six-pack through his shirt. He was perfect for her and she was perfect for him. After all, they were both the most popular people in school. She struts over to her friends and they say hi to her. They also tell her about the new girl. "What does she look like?" Riley was curious. She was a nosy person and always wanted to know everything about everyone's business. 

"Well, she's blond and has grey eyes. And she's a nerd." "Great, so I can get her to do my homework. Finally. That boy who does my homework doesn't do it right" Riley was happy that she found someone else to do her homework. Riley and her possy walked off to the grounds where she knows Percy always hangs out. She spotted Percy and his friends. The whole group walked over and she immediately started flirting with him. "Hey Percy," she said in a seductive tone. "Hey" he seemed distracted like he was looking for someone. 

Riley ignored his distraction and said, "So I was wondering, you wanna grab dinner sometime? Maybe tonight?" He finally looked at her but he didn't look amused. "Riley I've told you a million times, I don't want to go on a date with you." He then started looking around again.
He suddenly just smiled. I followed his eyes and saw that he was looking at a girl with blond hair and grey eyes who wasn't standing very far off. She must be the new girl. She hadn't seen Percy yet but it was like she felt someone looking at her. 

She turned around and made eye contact with Percy and looked shocked. Riley tried to distract him, "But whyyyy?" She whined hoping it would get his attention. He ignored her and started walking towards the new girl. The new girl smirked and started walking straight for him too.
By this time everyone was staring at them. They met halfway and Percy suddenly grabbed her waist and pulled her in for a kiss. She immediately wrapped her hands around his neck and kissed back.

Riley was furious. Who did this girl think she was, kissing her future boyfriend. She stormed over and pushed the girl away from Percy. She didn't move. It was like she was stuck to the floor like a rock. She pulled away from him and stared at Riley. "What do you think you're doing?!" Riley screeched at her. She looked utterly and completely confused. "Ummm..... Kissing my boyfriend? Why do you care anyway?" I stared at her in shock and Percy looked at me and said, "I told you to stop asking me out Riley but you never listen."

 "Wait she asked you out. Why didn't you tell me Seaweed Brain?" The blond was furious. "I didn't tell you because you have the same reaction I knew you would have Wise Girl." Riley got mad and, in her rage, flew at the girl and tried to punch her. Key word tried. The girl grabbed her fist before it could reach her. She squeezed it hard and Riley cried out in pain. She looked at Percy, hoping he would realize the Blondie was a violent person and that he should just break up with her. Instead, he just stood there looking amused. The blond girl let go of her wrist and got right next to her ear and whispered, "Don't ever come close to my boyfriend ever again, understand?"

Riley nodded in fear and stood still. This girl had embarrassed her in front of the whole school. Percy grabbed the blonde bimbos hand and walked off with her. Later I realized I didn't even know her name. My friends told me her name was Annabeth. 

Annabeth Chase.

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