Part 1

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Today was the day. The day I travelled from London to Brazil. The day I meet my friend that I have been longing to meet. I got out of my bed and went downstairs to find my sister making pancakes.

"Morning, sleepy head!" Kendra shouts which makes me jump slightly.

"Morning and what kind pancakes are you making?"

"Chocolate Chip Pancakes, your fave ones."

She knows me too well. Well, she is my sister! I quickly eat my pancakes and run upstairs to get ready. I slip on a denim shirt and a shirt, paired with my wedge sneakers. I grab my bag and put my phone and my Beats inside. I place my watch on and head downstairs with my suitcases, struggling with each one of them. I finally get to the bottom of the stairs with both my suitcases and sit on the sofa. Ugh, why is Kendra taking so long? I decided to go on my phone and play Candy Crush and watch some Youtube videos. After 15 minutes, Kendra came downstairs.

"Finally! I literally thought that we were going to miss the plane!"

"Stop whining and let's go! The plane leaves in less than an hour!"

Brazil, here we come!

[Authors Note]

Yay! My first ever story!! I wanted to mix things up a bit with the story in general so I hope you guys like it!

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