Part 8

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~ Maisha ~

I woke up with the Brazilian sun hitting my face and I slowly looked around for Neymar. I found him next to me with his arms wrapped around me, as if I was a little child who was trying to run away. I carefully got out of his arms and went downstairs to make breakfast.

After looking around in the fridge, I decided to make some scrambled eggs, bacon and waffles.

"Morning babe." said my boyfriend with a rusty voice. I turned around to see Neymar with only boxers on.

"Baby, go get dressed!"

"Why are you acting like you don't like all this?" He replied, laughing.

I kissed my teeth and turned around in embarrassment. He laughed and I heard his footsteps, slowly becoming quieter.

After about 10 minutes, I heard footsteps approaching me. I turned around and saw Rafaella and Joclecio.

"Morning guys." I said while flipping the bacon.

"Morning Mai! Smells good." Joclecio said as he leaned on the counter.

"SHA-SHA!!" A small voice said, interrupting me from replying to Joclecio.

"Good morning baby! You hungry?" I said as I picked up Davi. He nodded and I handed him to Neymar who was approaching me. I grabbed 6 plates and placed them on the table. I stopped in realisation.

"Where's Gil and Kendra?"

Everyone looked around in confusion. I walked up the stairs and knocked on Gil's room door. No response. I opened it and looked inside. No one. I quickly walked towards Kendra's room and realised that everyone else was behind me. I burst open Kendra's room find Kendra and Gil sleeping... cuddling?

"Okay, I'm very confused. Someone elaborate." Rafaella said.

"Me and you both sis, me and you both." Neymar said in between laughs.

I walked up to them and shook Kendra.

"Hey! Ken, wake up! You have some explaining to do!"

She mumbled and she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"What the fuck, Maisha. Why are you waking me - oh, damn. What are you all doing here?" She said in confusion. After noticing our eyes on Gil, she laughed hysterically.

"Kendra. Stop laughing, we're all really confused as to why he's here!"

"Okay... Okay! He... He's only here because he got scared at night because of the thunder. Did you guys not hear it or something?" She said, still laughing.

"Well I heard it but it wasn't anything serious." Joclecio said while attempting to wake up Gil. His attempt came to a success and Gil jumped up in fear. Laughter soon filled up the room.

"Both of you come downstairs for breakfast and then we'll make our way to training." Neymar said as he picked up Davi and made his way downstairs. We all soon followed and sat around the dining table.

"So what are we doing after training?" Rafaella said.

"Hmm let me think..." I started

"I already know what she's gonna say." Kendra said.

"Eat, sleep," I said leaning back.

"I know my sister too well."

"And spend time with my boyfriend and his son." I giggled and I kissed Neymar and Davi's cheeks.

"Well that's a new one! You go, sis!"

"Alright enough of that, lovebirds. Let's forget ready. Last one upstairs has to clean!" Gil said running upstairs.

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