Part 10

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~ Maisha ~

1 month after...

I woke up with my stomach churning and twisting. I ran to the bathroom and threw up into the toilet. 9th time. This is the 9th time that I've vomited over this past week. And the weirdest thing is that I don't feel sick at all. And I've been craving the weirdest things ever. I make my way downstairs and I sit on the sofa waiting until someone wakes up. I hear my stomach moaning in hunger but I'm too lazy to make myself something. Finally, Rafa walks downstairs.

"Goodmorning girl!" She says. It's really early for someone to be this happy but it's Rafa so it's normal.

"Hi babe. Could you do me a favour?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"Could you go to the kitchen and get me pickles and Nutella please?"

She looked at me like I was an alien but she still went and got the things that I needed. She placed them on the table and watched me, trying to understand what I'm gonna do with these things. I pulled out a pickle, dipped it into the Nutella and I ate it. I closed my eyes in satisfaction and when I opened my eyes, I saw a shocked Rafa.

"What's happened to you?"


"No, like for real, are you seeing yourself? You've been throwing up these past days and you're getting weird food addictions. Try to connect the dots here."

I chewed while thinking about what she's saying. I quickly realised what she's trying to say and I dropped my pickle in shock.

"Listen, I really don't wanna ask this question since it's about my brother and that's awkward but, have you and Neymar had sex?" I nodded in response.

"And did you use protection?"

I felt my stomach churning again and I ran into the bathroom. I let everything out into the toilet bowl and flushed the toilet. I sat on the toilet floor and I took everything in.

"Rafa, I might be pregnant."


We are now at the grocery store trying to buy a pregnancy test. We also decided to buy some actual groceries so that it wouldn't look suspicious when we came home. We made our way back into the car and drove home.


We unlocked the door and walked into the house. As usual we found everyone, crowded around the sofa. But to our surprise, the whole Brazilian team we're there.

"Hi guys...? What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"Oh, we were bored so we came here!" David Luiz said.

"Well great excuse guys but we gotta hut everything into the kitchen." Rafa said.

After putting the groceries in the kitchen, I took the test out the bag and ran upstairs to the bathroom with Rafa.

"I'll wait out here." She said.


5 mins had gone by. And that was the longest 5 minutes of my life. I called Rafa in because I didn't wanna discover this by myself. Rafa also told Kendra so the three of us were now in the bathroom, waiting for me to see the results. I picked the test up and slowly turned it around.


Tears were streaming down my eyes. Tears of happiness. Tears of confusion. Tears of fear.

"Mai, what does it say?" Kendra said nervously.

No words came out my mouth so I just turned it around. They stared at it for a while and they screamed. Literally screamed. They screamed while I was on the floor crying my eyes out. Neymar burst through the door with Marcelo after hearing the screams.

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