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 We walk to the park to do our so-called, 'tradition'. It's not like we want to go and our dad will probably sit there with the phone in hand the whole time anyway.

When we arrive at the park, we all sit on the seesaw. Going up and down. Out of nowhere, our dad starts talking about how much oxygen we have, telling us how trees give it out, telling us how our teachers don't know everything. Well...duh! He speaks about how back in the day we had a lot more oxygen, we would have been taller. He says he knows this because they found a fossil.
But you don't believe in dinosaurs, I think.

I have to leave.

This nonsense he speaks about randomly, giving us facts about his conspiracy theories, sharing his ideas of flat earth and the space being fake, it's annoying.  I don't want to hear about this. Sometimes his theories seem to be realistic but then I think about him believing dinosaurs aren't real or how covid is fake, it helps me zap out of his beliefs.

I get off the seesaw and walk to the other playground connecting to this one. I walk around a bit and start spinning on this green game, a spinny thing, that's what we call it.

"Woo," some kids say as they jump on with me. They all laugh and giggle as I spin them around.
"Woo." the kids laugh. I smile as one lets their legs go free, making her body float, extended in the air.

"I like your shirt," one girl says, I smile.

"Thank you."

A boy walks towards us. The kids ask him how old he is.  He answers: "12".

 He starts to spin instead of me.

"What grade are you in?" He asks me.

"8th grade," I say. 

"Wooh," some kids say, while the boy looks flustered and shocked at my age.
"How is 8th grade?" asks a girl with dark brown skin and black braids on her head.
"I don't know," I answer honestly. The boy starts to spin all the kids around.

"So heavy," he states but he spins us swiftly.

"Another adventure in my diary," A girl exclaims as she laughs in the air.

I spot my brother with a boy.

"Hey...we could go on this, it's bigger!" My brother calls, pointing to a sitting spinny thing instead.
I jump out, but the kids are too busy laughing. 

This boy that my brother was with plays with us on the bigger spinny thing. Our dad joins us and starts to spin us. After that, my brother and I walk together. Our father closely behind :(
My father starts to speak to Simon. Not hearing the whole conversation, I only hear my dad teasing him and being pushy.

"Relax," He says.

"You Relax," Simon answers with no judgment in his voice.  My dad turns around and puts a fist around my brother's shirt.

"You do not talk back to me," he says,"You always have this bad attitude." At this point, I'm already walking away shaking my head at my father's words.
"Understand?!" Simon nods. My father furious, for God knows what, walks away. 

"He is soo....ugh!" I say to my brother. "He's such a..." I shake my head. " I really hate him," I say sadly and madly. 

"I want to leave," Simon tells me, after an hour of playing at the park

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"I want to leave," Simon tells me, after an hour of playing at the park. So, I walk towards my dad.

"Simon wants to leave," I instantly regret saying the sentence, now we'll never leave.

"Of course he does," my dad tells me,"We're not leaving till he changes his attitude." I look at him with disgust. 

'What attitude?' I want to say. I walk away quickly to my brother. "Ugh," I say nudging him to face the other way to walk.

"What happened?" He asks.

"We're not going until you change your attitude." Simon looks annoyed and mad ( confused too) "You don't even have an attitude! What a..." I try to think of a word, "Bitch!" I whisper the last part. "Like what the fuck," I practically mouth. 

After a long time of just walking around aimlessly, Simon keeps whispering about escaping.
"It's not like he'll notice," he states, "Let's go to Mamma,"

"Ya... but they'll blame it on her... Plus it's against the law," I tell Simon.


"Because we are scheduled to be with him right now." my brother doesn't seem to care.
"It's so hot," I complain.

"Let's go." Simon walks to Daddy "Can we go?" he asks dad, causing him to take his eyes off the screen. I sit down next to dad. "Mina's hot and I'm hungry." he tells him.

"What do you think you should say?" he asks like a demand.

"Sorry?" Simon answers.

"For what?" he asks.

"For talking back to you,"

"Why did you talk back to me?!"

"Because you were scaring me. And were tickling and poking me and when you said to relax, I just thought you needed to relax," he answers with a quiet voice.

"So your saying it's my fault?" What the heck! It's not all about you! 

"You don't talk back to me. You never want to do anything, only video games," he says. I shake my head as I stare off at the playground. "You always have an attitude. Soon you are going to have severe consequences." I am so frustrated by his lies. I walk off to sit in this little kid house in the playground, my head still shaking. Simon walks off as well after awhile. 

"What is wrong with him...what attitude?" I say.

"I know,"

"I wish we could ask someone for help him," I say.

"Me too. All he thinks of me is a video game boy," he says with sadness.

"Let's go," our father calls, still looking at his phone.

Our father in front of us as Simon and I walk right next to each other, behind him.

"You know why I hate him?" Simon stares ahead listening to me as I whisper,"It's that he calls you rude, but you're not even close to that,"

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