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I wake up alone in my bed at my dad's house. I walk down the ladder of the loft bed. My brother is in the living room on the computer. My father won't be back from work until 3. We aren't allowed on the computer, but he can't track us down.

I start reading on the computer in a corner of the room. I check my email, and tell my mom we are alone. It's 11:00. My mother sends me a link for a ZOOM call with her. I click the link. Load...Load...LOADING!!!! I try again but the link doesn't work. I tell my mom it doesn't work. She sends me another. I click. I start listening to Disney music as I wait. Load...Load... It still isn't working. I try the link again.

"Come on...Come on.." I start to bang on the keyboard. "Oh my Gosh!"

'Can you send it to Simon?' I tell my mom(type)

She answers, 'I did' I run to the living room. 

"Simon! Check your email..."

"Okay," he answers still playing his video game.

"Come on! Mamma sent us a Zoom," I yell.

"Okay, Okay!" He starts to x out the video game. I walk away, trying the link again, but everything blanks out, not letting me search anything. 

"Simon!" I run to the couch. "Did you get the link?"

"Huh?" I look at the screen and he is still on the video game. 

"Go to the link and talk to Mamma!"  

"Why? You can talk to her."  

"No I can't! The Link isn't working!!!" He still doesn't move. I start to move closer to the screen and try to turn the game off myself . 

"Okay..." he x's out the tab and goes to the email. I sit on the red chair next to the couch, waiting. When Simon enters the meet we finally talk to Mamma. Simon and I have a fight while we are on the call. We stop talking to each other and sit with crossed arms. 

"Let go, smile," Mamma tells us, "Let go of your frown and let your jaw loosen up." I do what she says. I feel much more relaxed. Simon still with his grudge doesn't do it but with a little bit of persuasion, he finally lets go. We talk for a long time. 

"Use your Walkie Talkie," Simon says

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"Use your Walkie Talkie," Simon says. We have two Walkie Talkies, one at mamma's house and the other is at daddy's house, so we can talk to each other. It never works though. We hear a scratchy sound..."Can you hear me," Mamma asks.

"I'm going to try outside," Simone opens the back door and walks out. They talk for awhile outside and I watch and listen to their conversation on the zoom screen as they finally get the walkie talkie to work. Simone enters the room after a while.

"I should come over," Mamma says. My face lights up,"When does Dad come over?" 

"3:00," I answer.

"I might be late to my meeting, but it's okay,"                 
"Okay, I'll come." She smiles. "I'll talk in the Walkie Talkie as I walk to your house," she tells us. The Zoom call is disconnected and we hear a scratchy sound. "It's me," We hear from the walkie talkie. We walk outside for a better connection.                                                                                             
"Where are you right now?" Simon asks.

"Around the corner," she answers. We hear a stomping sound of shoes, clicking against the wooden staircase of our balcony. Not loud but like heels with wood against wood? We see mom in sight. My smile appears and we jump to hug and kiss her. I smell her perfume as my head is in her shoulder. She's wearing a bluish- white worn out dress. It's perfect. She's perfect. I let go of the hug and Simon jumps into the hug. He looks so calm as she kisses his forehead, so at peace. He seems to be able to relax, finally. I look around our wood balcony connected to our neighbors. The trees sway back and forth with the wind. A panic rises in me, at the realization of my dad coming any minute. He sometimes come an hour after he told us he would come, but you never know. 

"I'm scared, what if daddy comes?" I say and hug her in worry.

"All is well." Simon enters the hug and most of my panic dissaperes, but I still feel my heart pounding against my chest. 

"You should go, you don't want to miss your meeting," I say.

"You're right," She answers. We kiss and hug one last time,"I love you," She tells us.

"I love you," Simon and I answer.

"I'll use the walkie talkie when I walk to my house." We exchange one last hug and say our 'I love you's'. As she leaves we enter the house. A scratchy sound fills the air.

"Where are you? Roger," Simon says into the walkie talkie.

"The crosswalk, can you hear the cars?" She answers in between scratches. "I'm by the trees now," She tells us. Her last words are barely audible. 

"Ti amo" I say in the walkie talkie, I hear an 'I love you' but then the sound fades out. 

"I'm turning the walkie talkie off," Simon says. No answer comes. Simon turns the device off and puts the device in charging and we stay inside until we hear the jiggling of the door to see our dad enter the house. He immediately scans the room and sees the walkie talkie.

"Were you talking to mom?" He says with a stern look.

"No," I answer. It's confusing to think that that's his first thought, we've never used the walkie talkies before.

"I was just charging it, so I could use it as a game with some friends," Simon answers. I get off the couch and enter the kitchen.

"Why is the back door open?" He asks as he enters the kitchen.

"I was reading out there," I answer and grab my cup off the counter and leave the room.

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