XV: Intramurals Date? (2)

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His eyes lit up as he saw Andrei Williams spike the ball in such a way that forced his opponents into submission. And to think, this man who had also trained for more years than him, was also a challenger like him. 

Andrei Williams suddenly looked at Ushijima Wakatoshi from the court, sensing the aura the japanese was leaking— an aura from one ace to another, a battle of domination and attrition. And smirk appearing on the former's face before breaking eye contact to focus back on the game.

The site didn't escape your eyes. You see the way both of them grin in excitement. And you puffed before also grinning as you lean back to watch the familiar site of how athletes will continue to make connections through and through. 

You realized. Ushijima Wakatoshi is probably the type to be fired up after a display of athletic prowess and challenges. 

You realized it only now. And you felt like an idiot.


You should've just let the ball hit Ayaka back then.  

Just kidding.

You hear the whistle, ensuing the game's end and it was lunchbreak. 

You watch the multitude of people leave in crowds and you opted out of that mess. You weren't planning to leave just yet. You were planning to eat on your seat. Sure, there were many stalls but the amount of people wasn't a joke. Plus, you were someone who was always ready.  

"I'm starving." You say and put out your lunchbox.  

You surprisingly prepared stuff in an orderly fashion, the insides of your bag neat and well ordered as you take stuff out one by one. And you realize something after eagerly bringing out your lunch. 

Ushijima Wakatoshi was still there.

"You made a bento?" He asks, finding it odd. You nod. "Its convenient and it's healthier than the school's lunch." You explained. 

"You also keep watch of your own diet?" He asks. You only nod as he looks at you.You look like you're taking care of a dog, a very curious dog. You internally groan. You didn't want to look like a bad person.

The Little and the Giant (Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ