Chapter 26

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"You okay now miss popular?" I whacked his shoulders like usual but this time with a smile on my lips.

"I'm fine birthday boy but it may still be weird to look at your sister okay?" I can't just magically act normal around her.

Sungjae chuckled and nodded his head, telling me he knew I couldn't process it in just a couple minutes. We walked back inside the ball room, the once spacious hall became congested with the guests. I couldn't even spot our block mates when I passed my gaze on the crowd.

"Is this really just a birthday celebration?" I tugged his suit. He looked down and met my eyes, pouting his plump lips as he mouthed.

'I'm not even sure.'

I shook my head and looked ahead, my hands gripped tightly on the small pouch with me.

After searching the room I saw her.

"Ooh! Come here!" Hana flapped her hand, motioning us to come near her. Stealing a glance of Sungjae I waited for him to initiate walking towards her.

"Let's go." Holding my hand with his, he pulled me with him. My short legs had to catch up with his wide steps.

"Jae, you need to commence the party." Hana whispered loudly when we got nearer. My eyes just focused on her facial expression, another wave of goosebumps passed by my spine when I saw how similar we are.

As expected, I can't get used to this.

"Okay sis." Nodding to Hana he then turned to me. My eyebrows raised when he let go of my hand which I almost forgot he was holding on to.

"I'll just say a few words and I'll be back." He told me while walking away from me. I nodded and motioned him to go away, even when I just wanted him to stay.

Now it's just Hana and me, standing beside each other. Well this is not awkward at all.

I glanced at her discreetly but I almost coughed up blood when I caught her looking at me. Clearing my throat as I tried to turn my attention elsewhere.

"It's still creeping you out?" Her soft voice entered my ears.


Her eyes twinkled as it also turned crescent.

"Me. Am I freaking you out?" She asked again. I cleared my throat for the nth time and shook my head slightly but then I stopped and looked down to the ground. A small awkward smile played on my lips, my nails playing with the small crystals on my pouch I spoke.

"It's not really normal to meet someone with the exact face as me."

"That's how I felt back then too." I raised my face to meet my reflection and my eyes fluttered. Her crescent eyes comforted me, her bright little smile looks so pretty on her.

"When Jae told me about you I was speechless for weeks. I reached the point of confusion where I doubted my parents, I thought they abandoned you or I was adopted. Worse was I thought Jae was adopted in place for you. " Her small shoulders shuddered as she kept herself from laughing.

"But later on I cleared my head and asked Jae about you, it finally came to me that meeting someone with the same everything is one in a billion. It's kinda like meeting a spiritual sister?" Crossing her arms she leaned closer, looking at me closely still with a small smile on her lips.

"Spiritual sister?" I asked.

"Hm." She nodded. "One who's not related to me by blood but for some reason there's an invisible line pulling us together to meet, the invisible line was made because in ancient mythology we were supposed to be one person but got separated." I slowly moved my head up and down once as a silent 'ah'.

What the fuck is she saying? Ancient mythology?

I didn't have anything more to say to her so when I heard the mic turn on I felt relieve and just smiled at her before turning to the stage.

Two small spotlights were pointed at where Sungjae's standing, to clarify even more that he's the star of tonight. He then started talking as the people's eyes and ears are glued to him.

I was actually starting to feel bored when Hana tapped my shoulder twice and spoke besides me.

"I have to greet some friends, I'll be back." She excused herself before dashing out of the crowd.

I remained looking at her back as she got smaller and until she went out of the door.

What am I supposed to do now?

Listening to Sungjae talk about the first half of his life already made me yawn, I couldn't force myself to listen to him. So then I decided to excuse myself as well and stayed at the corner to marvel at the piece of art that were displayed on the walls.

This is much better.

I feel like I'm on a field trip on a museum, wherever your eyes landed it'll either be a piece of exotic work or a valuable piece of art. I'm not really an art maniac but this boredom of not having anyone I know to talk to sucks the life out of me that this is the only escape.

I became more distant to the crowd, I strolled along the walls where each art pieces are hanging. One particular art got me intrigued.

I stopped my feet and my eyes squinted. I blinked once and more times when something isn't adding up, I straightened my back and moved my head to the right. My eyes widened.

What the!

With my finger, I gently touched the eyes of the woman. The art was simple, a dark blue canvas painted with several abstract shapes and the main focus of the art is a woman's just her hair, forehead and eyes. It was like she's hiding.

But that's not the weirdest part. Once I poked her eyes, I felt my index finger went cold, like I was touching a glass. I leaned closer, my eyes just a palm away from the glass.

I'm right, this is-

I can see the creamy walls outside, the beautifully arranged flowers, the warm light illuminating the floors as well as reflecting the beautiful twinkle on the vase's crystals.

It's a one way mirror.

I leaned back once again and tried to lift the frame gently, but unlike the others this one is stuck to the wall.

Damn this is the coolest thing ever!

In my amazement I peeped once again but all my excitement got washed away with what felt like hundreds of prickly needles.

My heart thumped with pain when I saw what is who's outside.


It's not only him but a girl who has a very familiar face. She was laughing as they passed by the hall, maybe it was something he said as he was looking at her with such adoring gaze, it caused me to stop breathing for a second.

Letting the pain dug inside my chest for a whole lot deeper before breathing out.

I fixed my stance and turned my back on the mirror.

Gulping the non existent saliva I made my way back to the crowd knowing I need to hide. I don't want to meet them, it hurts so much to see him look at her the way he used to-.

"Sejeong!" My heart thumped so fast when I heard someone called me from behind. I stopped and turned to face the owner of the voice.

I calmed down a bit when I saw Sungjae, his face was filled with worry as he approached me, a couple of guests greeted him on the way but he didn't paid any attention to them.

"What happened?" Once he got near me, he held me on my shoulders. His eyes searched mine, wanting to get an answer out.

"I-." I parted my mouth. I wanted to tell him I wasn't okay and I want to get out of here, but I was cut short when I saw a beautiful woman behind Sungjae, approaching us with her hand clutched on to the arm of the man besides her.

"Jae! Sejeong! Now that my friend's here, let's cut the cake!" She announced.

My eyes shifted to him, his eyes widened as he saw me. My bottom lip slightly trembled because I couldn't hide and escape anymore, he saw me.

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