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Aria's Pov

"What?!" I ask stunned, my mouth hanging open as I look at Zain who stood before me like a deer caught in the headlight with an embarrassed look on his face.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't refuse." Zain says, his voice very little as if he was talking to himself.

"Zain this is...this is too much." I say and Zain nod his head agreeing to me.

"I know and I'm sorry but I couldn't refuse her." Zain says and I sigh loudly clearly showing my disappointment.

"Zain," I call him out and he looks up at me with hope. "Your mom just invited me on a dinner, it is a big news! And you're telling me this just twenty minutes before you tell her I will be arriving!" I say almost yelling but I didn't, knowing my mom and dad would be out wondering what happened.

"I chickened out okay, I know the plans were me taking you out on a romantic date but last night mom came to me and fired all this questions at me and I said the truth that you were my girlfriend and-"

"YOU SAID WHAT?!" I spoke out loudly this time without caring if my parents come out any minute.

Zain bit his lips trying hard not to laugh at my horrified expression and for a moment I thought he is joking when his next sentence confirmed what it is.

"So, you're coming right? I told her you're very punctual." He says and I stopped myself from smacking his head on the nearby wall.

"You told her I'm punctual when I'm the most irresponsible person ever known?! You know when the lecture is at ten, I arrive at ten fifteen or ten twenty right?!" I ask him and he chuckled.

"I know that, but I wanted to create a good impression of you in front of her that's why, so now you coming? Only fifteen minutes left." He tells me looking at his watch and I went into super hyper mode.

"Zain!" I say closing my eyes that sounded more like a moan than a whine.

"Wow. I never knew my name sounded so sexy." Zain says under his breath, when I look at him, he looked lost and his eyes were on my lips, suddenly my cheeks turned red.

What we were talking about again?

Uh...something about time- no, it was something about dinner or was it something about his mom?

His mom...dinner! Oh yes!

I shook my head trying to clear my mind and look at Zain who was now looking at me with a smirk with a genuine smugness on his face.

"You! I so want to kill you right now!" I tell him and point at my dress, "now I gotta go and change my dress," I say and he looks at me confused.

"Why? You look beautiful." He says and I roll my eyes. Yes, this sexy one piece I especially wore for him for our first date and he thinks this is perfect dress for a formal dinner with his mom?

"No, but I wanted to look good, I would've worn something formal if you would've told me something this important beforehand." I say with an accusatory look on my face.

"I didn't know how to tell you about this, this is such a big thing and I didn't want to stress you out about you meeting my mom...and which I may add you're doing it right now." Zain adds and I sigh.

"But my dress Zain, I'll be back in five." I ask and he shakes his head.

"No espresso, you seriously look beautiful and my mom will think so too. Now come on get in the car, I promise she won't judge you, she's my mom after all." He says with a face that I cannot refuse.

"Fine. I'll come but if anything goes wrong, I'm blaming you." I say pointing at him and he takes my finger and kisses it.

"That's okay, now come on." He says and pulls me to the car and rushes me inside as I adjust the dress and take out the cardigan from my purse, I had brought just in case the weather gets colder.

"What are you doing?" He asks as he starts the car as I put on the cardigan.
"Espresso, you look beautiful, you-"

"I know I look beautiful; I'm just wearing it because I want too, it will make me comfortable." I say and his face turned into one of understanding and he nods his head and starts the car.

"Now tell me what exactly happened yesterday?" I ask.

"Just as I sat for dinner, she asked me who is Inaya? Then just a second later she asked me who is Aria? And I was sitting there speechless at least for a minute or two." He says with a laugh.

"What did you say then?" I ask curious.

"Uh...that's funny actually." He says with a hesitant laugh and look at me from the corner of his eyes.



"What did you tell her?" I ask knowing really well he said his mom something really stupid.

"I said Inaya was my stalker, which is in fact true. And I told you were the girl I met two years back at the camp.

"She was a little shocked and furious that I went back with the girl who broke my heart but when I told her everything happened, she calmed down. She knows it wasn't entirely your fault. And she's ready to give you a chance." He says and I feel a little bit relived knowing his mom doesn't hate me.

"How did she even come to know about us or Inaya?" I ask confuse.

"I don't know." He says with a frown on his face. "We will ask her tonight, don't worry." He says as his left hand comes over and take mine in his and gives a squeeze.

"She will love you, I promise." 


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