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Zain's Pov

This is a dream.

This is definitely a dream.

A dream where I saw Aria in my college and she was sitting in front of me with that Ragha- Rancho or something boy. And the dream went as far as she saying she has shifted here in Jaipur, permanently. As if.

Now I will open my eyes and the dream would go. Saying that to myself I opened my eyes to see the ceiling of my room and the faint sunlight coming from the windows.

I sigh and did my morning chores and walked out greeting my mom good morning. She was making breakfast as I sat down on the table.

"So, when is dad coming?" I ask her, he is again on one of his business trips and he is gone for a week this time.

"Maybe tonight, I haven't talked to him since yesterday." She answers and I frown. Hope he doesn't get into any other trouble this time. Last month he was put in jail because he tried speeding the car when he was drunk and mom had to try and search for the lawyer the whole night.

He is been like that since his sister did a fraud and took half of their parents' property to herself. And that was last year. I sigh and look at my mom, oh mom why did it had to be you.

Once done with my breakfast I walked out towards my bike bidding my mom bye. Once half the way to college I stopped at the general store to buy some snacks and my eyes went towards a figure who was standing at the booth beside the store.

The figure was stomping their foot, talking animatedly themself?

I ignored and walked inside the store and bought some lays and of course chocolates for the ever hungry Ahana and Aarav who are mad after them.

Once I paid for the items I was about to walk out of the store when I heard the voice that made me stop in my tracks.

"Dad I'm lost, why did you leave me at the corner?"

"Yeah I know you were late for your office but what do I do now? I'm LOST."

"Fine. I will ask for the directions here, and this is the last time you're leaving ne like this."

With that her conversation with her dad was over before she put the phone back and stomped her leg in frustration. Aria. So, it wasn't a dream after all, she was really here.

I ignored her and walked out of the store before she could have time to turn around and see me. I put the items I bought in my bag and sat on the bike when I saw her asking a man walking at the roadside in my rear-view mirror.

He gave her hand directions but I can tell this girl was very bad in finding places. Because that girl can get lost in her own room if it was up to her.

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