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If didn't take them long until they arrived at the restaurant. They took their seat and Louis had kept his mouth shut must of the time as Harry made conversation with his younger sister, trying his hardest not to look at Harry as to not do something stupid. He listened to how gentle and sweet Harry was with Phoebe and he couldn't help but smile. It was hard to think that this same guy was also the same guy who supposed to be his enemy. He wasn't even sure why they were supposed to hate each other but it didn't work that way with Louis.

"SO Louis, how's your album coming along?" He heard Harry ask him. He felt weird acting all buddied up with Harry when in reality Harry couldn't exactly stand him but he knew they couldn't exactly stand him but he knew they couldn't do anything in front of Phoebe. "Oh, it's coming along really good actully. Just finished up a new song a couple days ago." Louis replied with a small smile, rubbing his hands together.

"That's good. Gotta let me know when you're done. I'd love to hear it." Harry replied with that charming smile of is which made Louis' insides melt at the sight. What was he doing to him?

"Of course." Louis eased up to him a bit, noticing how Harry couldn't seem to stop staring at him ever. He'd sometimes catch his gaze on him but whenever he'd catch him, Harry would look away and pretend he was looking somewhere else which made Louis secretly smile.

After a while, the three were laughing their head off at something Harry said. It was great. Louis couldn't deny that he was having fun. And he could tell Harry was too. While having a laugh, they were cut off by a shy looking fan approaching them. "Hi." They heard her say shyly.

"Hi love."

"Hi darling."

Louis and Harry replied at the same time.

"Can I-" She gestured towards her phone to which Harry and Louis nodded quickly. "Oh yeah, of course love." Louis replied brightly as they both stood up. "Let me take the pic." Phoebe offered as she stood up as well and grabbed the  phone from the girl's hand. Louis and Harry stood on either side of her. The girl was a bit taller than Louis so he had to stand on his tip toes to reach her. They all posed for the photo and the fan reached for her phone, letting Louis and Harry see the photo along with her.

"Oh look at Louis." Harry laughed as he pointed at how tiny Louis looked which made the fan laugh as well. "You're tiny." He pointed out. And he couldn't help but think how adorable that was. Louis was adorable hands down,

"Oi give me a break, I'm big!" Louis retrod and pretended to act mad but he was smiling bigger then ever, pratically glowing.

"Thank you so much." The fan said as she gave them one last hug and walked off as the three of them took their seats again.

"Did you just call me tiny, Harold?" Louis sassed as soon as they sat down again and turned to look at him. Harry just laughed, his big dimples popping out on both cheeks as he looked at Louis with with nothing but admiration and amusement in his eyes, "I said nothing but the truth." Harry replied  and leaned forward against the table, resting his elbows on top of it. Louis said nothing but glared at him while Phoebe was staring between the two with an unreadable expression.

"YOU two are unbelievably cute. But then again, I find Harry and Kendall cute so I'm not sure if i stand corrected." Phoebe mumbled and got her phone out to text. Louis had to stifle his laughter at Harry's face when he heard the Kendall remark. "Excuse me," Harry sounded almost harsh, though there was a smile on his face, as if he was just messing.

Harry was definitely having a war with his inner self. He was convinced he didn't feel a thing for Louis but why couldn't he stop thinking about the man? Why is it that whenever he hears his name his heart flutters? Why is it that he couldn't keep his eyes off him whenever he was around? On that thought, Harry looked up to find Louis staring at something on his phone and he seemed distracted enough. So Harry took that opportunity to take in the beautiful piece of art right in front of him. His eyes wandered from Louis' beautiful eyes down to his cute button nose then down to his soft and seemingly kissable lips.

Harry quickly willed himself to look away when the thoughtsgot too much. He had a girlfriend. He shouldn't be thinking about someone else right now. Better yet he souldn't talk be out here right now. With Louis. This isn't right. But then again, why was he enjoying this more than his dates with Kendall?

A/N unedited cuz I don't have my laptop sooo yeah
Anywayyyy enjoyyyyyy -T:)

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