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Harry got ready for his date with Kendall. He made sure to wear something casual yet decent since he just planned on taking her out to eat. He didn't want anything fancy considering how it ended last time. Once he made sure he had everything ready, he was on his way to pick Kendall up. Like the gentleman he is, he opened her door for her and was on his way to the restaurant in no time. "You look beautiful, as always," Harry complimented her with a cheeky grin only making Kendall smile in return.

It was kind of awkward in the car so Harry decided to turn on the radio flipping to a random channel and much to his surprise, 'Kill My Mind' by Louis was playing. Harry cleared his throat and was about to skip when he couldn't help but listen to Louis' tone. The man had talent, there was no denying that. He got so into it that he started nodding his head slightly to the beat as Kendall watched him with raised eyebrows. Harry glanced at her then back at the road. "What? It's a good song," he mumbled to his defense only making her shake her head at him.

"We're here," Harry announced as he turned the engine off and they were on their way inside the restaurant. They took a seat at one of the booths and Harry tried opening up a conversation but it just wasn't happening with her. So he just decided to stay quiet and pick at the faded black nail polish that rested on his nails.

"Why does it bother you so much? You know I'm straight." Harry said after a while of awkward silence and looked up at Kendall,who just sighed and sank down in her booth. "It just does." She mumbled and grabbed her phone, starting to scroll through her twitter when the one and only himself, Louis Tomlinson, along with Niall entered the exact same restaurant.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me." Harry exclaimed causing Louis and Niall to look in their direction. Kendall looked up as well and glared daggers at them, once she saw them.

"Of fucking course" Kendall sighed and shook her head.

A/N: ayyyy 28 :))
This week I've been in a bit of a slump and a weird place so these updates aren't making too much sense but it's a good distraction so here's this enjoyyy -T:)

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