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Harry and Louis met at the beachwood cafe as promised. It was taking everything in Louis not to throw a bunch of compliments at Harry as he looked extremely attractive. He didn't know how or why but the conversation just flowed. It never got awkward and Louis really liked that. He liked someone that could hold a conversation and Styles could definetly hold on.

"I heard you were working on a new song. How's that?" Harry asked him after they were done talig about how much Harry sucked at soccer.

"Going alright. I just have a writer's  block at the moment which I'm hoping I could get rid of soon." Louis replied, "What about you? Any new songs you're working on?" He asked.

"A couple yeah. It's coming around great though. As for your writer's block, you gotta find your muse mate."


The word kept replaying in Louis' head a couple times before he shrugged it off and directed his attention back at Harry. "Yeah, you're probably right." Then stayed quiet for a while, just taking in each other's company before Louis spoke up again. "So why this? Why did you all of a sudden decide to hang out with me?"

"Why not? You seemed like a nice lad. And I kind of regreted the way I treated you beck then. I guess I was just scared." Harry replied, fiddling with his thumbs nervously.

"Scared of what? If you don't mind me asking."

Harry stayed silent after that question was asked as he stared down at the tabel wondering how he could answer that question without giving away too much. "Scared of being me." He uttered out.

Louis looked at him for a while and for a moment there, he didn't see the rude Harry he's always seen for years. Instead, he saw a small boy scared of being judged and wanting to feel accepted. Without thinking, he reached out his hand and placed it on top of Harry's closed up fist across the tabel, "You don't have to be. With me."

Harry looked at him for a while and his lips tugged up into a small smile. Louis cut the eye contact after a while and quickly removed his hand, blushing furiously at the moment that just wet down and desperately wanting to change the subfect. "So tell me something about yourself."

Harry pondered that question for a while before replying. "Every night before I go to bed, I have to drink a cup of tea." He said randomly making Louis burst out laughing. "Tea? Really?" He asked in between laughs making Harry blush though he never answered as he was too distracted listening to Louis melodic laugh.

"Jesus Harold, you almost killed me there." Louis said after having caught his breath. "You tell me somthing about you!" Harry said suddenly.

"Hm let's see, I don't like avocados." Louis replied, shrugging and it was not Harry;s turn to laugh. "What the hell mate? Why?"

"Because they're trendy as fuck lad. I don't get the hype." Louis replied almost annoyed making Harry laugh even harder. "Jesus Christ Lou, you're funny." Harry mumbled, wiping away the tear that had fallen while he was laughing.

"Lou?" Louis asked with a small smile.

"I mean, yeah. If you don't want me to call you that it's fine I could come up with a different nickname. I just thought since you called me Harold all the time then maybe I-"

"Harry!" Louis exclaimed laughing, "I don't mind it. Catch your breath." He replied, cutting Harry's nervous mumbling off which made Harry's cheeks turn red yet he smiled in reply.

It was safe to say that the two enjoyed their day together and went home with smiles on their faces with the intention of meeting again, in the near future, possibly the next day.

A/N ahh i loved writing this chapter. *unedited sorry for mistakes* 5 chapters left -T

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