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"Why in the world would you tweet that?" Harry exclaimed cutting Niall and Kendall's conversation short as they turned to look at him in suprise. "What?" Louis asked acting oblivious as he locked his phone and turned to look at Harry with innocent eyes. "You know exactly what you did Louis. Why would you tweet that?" Harry continued, getting more annoyed with how nonchalant Louis seemed.

"What did he tweet?" Kendall asked joining into the conversation. Harry silently pulled his phone out and showed Kendall Louis' recent tweet which made Kendallfurrow hwer eyebrows in confusion. Her expression changed to confused to annoyed and pissed off all within a second. "Are you out of your mind or what? Do you kow how many people are gonna start rumors about you two?" Kendall exclaimed.

Louis shrugged and leaned back inhis seat, oblivious to Niall's intense gaze on him the entire time. "So? The fans love it. And it's not like it's real anyway. Harry and I have mutual feelings of resentment towards one another. He's all yours. I don't want him." He exclaimed while crossing his arms over his chest as he chilled beck inhis seat. He turned to look at Niall who was watching him intently. "What?" He asked, snapping Niall out of his gaze.

"Nothing." Niall simply replied and shook his head as if to shake that thought of out his head as if to shake that thought out of his mind. "Louis can I speak to you? In private?" Louis heard Harry ask him which made him almost stop breathing for a second.

"Why? Do I have to?"

"Just. Please. It's important." Harry replied and gave Louis 'the look' as if to tell him not to ask any more questions and to follow him. They bothgot out of the booth leaving a very confused Niall and an angry looking Kendall.


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