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At around 9:45 AM Niall awoke from his uncomfortable sleep due to the loud thumping of footsteps behind him. His hair was well, a mess to say the least. The tank top he was wearing was crinkled and smelt of metal because of the chair he sat in, and his booty shorts were practically glued to his pale skin.

"Fookin 'ell, why'd ya wake me up so early" He mumbled, voice still heavy from sleep.

"Now, now baby. I don't like it when my boys swear." Said a voice, and it wasn't Zayn.

"What the fuck, i'm not your fucking baby" Niall spat, incredibly disgusted with what the man behind him had to say. "And don't you fucking touch me."

"Now, now baby. That's no way to speak to daddy" The voice replied. Niall could practically hear the smirk present in his voice.

Niall was about to protest when he felt cold large hands grab his shoulders, he shuddered as the skin to skin contact was made.

"J-just leave me the fuck alone!" Niall spat, a hint of fear present in his voice. Suddenly those cold hands retreated and a wave of relief washed over Niall's body, although too soon because before Niall had the chance to register what happened he was face to face with the sinister man.

"Who-o the f-fuck are you-u" Niall stuttered, mentally face palming himself for sounding like a scared kitten.

"Nick. Nick Grimshaw, but I would prefer if you called me daddy" Nick taunted.

"You can shove that daddy up your fucking arse Grimshit." Niall replied sassily.

"You do talk a lot. I like my boys to be silent." Nick paused, "Unless their gagging on my dick" He said with a daunting smirk.

Niall's eyes quickly glistened with tears when he realised what Nick was going to do. "P-please just l-leave me al-alone" He spike softly holding back tears that were threatening to spill.

"I SAID BE SILENT" Nick barked as his cold, fat hand slapped Niall across the face.

Niall yelped at the harsh contact to his now burning cheek. He couldn't hold it back anymore and began sobbing, and muttering reassurances to himself.

"Let's see who saves you now Baby"


oop sorry for not updating loves but here's a little something! i won't spoil the next chapter but there will be smut (not saying with who though...) aka may or may not be non con.

vote and comment please 🥰

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