"How is the work, Yibo?" Asked Wang Yong, changed the atmosphere.

"For the last update I haven't check it out. Tonight I'll ask Xuan Lu to give me the recap....!" Replied Yibo.

"Ahh! Speaking about Xuan Lu! I notice that your brother always go to your office and accompany her there...!" Hwa Lin blurted out.

Hao Xuan startled. He looked at Hwa Lin while Zhan and Yibo stared at him.

"Uh! That... I was just.... She... She was alone on the 10th floor. I saw her always do her work on the desk downstairs, near the lobby. She said, she feels lonely and can sense paranormal activity upstairs. So... So I accompany her there. So... She won't feel lonely and goosebumps!" Hao Xuan stuttered.

"What the fuck are you doing in my company, anyway? Why do you keep coming to my office? You don't have work in your office?" Yibo glared at his brother.

"Heyy... I just want to see..."

"Xuan Lu?" Hwa Lin cut Hao Xuan's sentence.

"No!" Cried Hao Xuan.

"Aiya! You know that your brother isn't in the office, but still you go there. There is a bait for you to eat. Must be!" Hwa Lin teased her step son.

"No, I don't!" denied Hao Xuan.

"It's fine... Ms. Xuan Lu is a good girl. She's a very tough yet gentle woman. She's a very caring person and kind, too. She's pretty, too. She isn't kind of a flirtatious girl, that's why not many men are able to get close to her...." Zhan complimented about Xuan Lu,, and a purpose cough sounded.

Everyone looked at the direction where the cough was coming from.

"Suddenly it's hot...!" Yibo who felt offend being gaze like that, fanning himself with his hand.

"Duling! Bring a bucket of ice! The ice prince is burnt!" Hao Xuan shouted playfully.

"She's talking about a female. Not a male...!" Hwa Lin snorted at Yibo.

Wang Yong only laughed.

"Aah... Yibo! This Monday you follow me to Tianjin to see our new building there for us to open the mini resort. I was planning to open the branch of our supermarket there as well...!" said Wang Yong.

"For how long?" asked Yibo.

"Maybe if we go by Monday morning, we can come back to Beijing on Thursday night...!" replied Wang yong.

Yibo glanced at Zhan and spoke, "Zhan, you better pack your things for the trip to Tianjin,..!"

Zhan was opening his mouth, when Wang Yong interfred.

"Let Zhan take care of the things here. Let him rest. He is not in a good state, anyway for travelling...!"

Zhan glanced at Wang Yong and nodded obediently. Yibo frowned.

"I can't leave him alone in this condition, Dad...! And he's my PA, ma?" scowled Yibo,

"Yibo! You have a responsible. You have to be professional in differentiating between work and your private life. Let Zhan have his peace of mind. He needs to do his work here, too!" said Wang Yong in a hard tone.

"Dad!" Yibo was about to confront his father.

"Yibo...! I will take care of your boyfriend. He won't be lonely here. You can count on me...!" Hwa Lin butt in.


"Yibo... I'll be fine. You go. You said we have to be professional, right?" Zhan said. He stared at Yibo to convince him.

Yibo looked at Zhan. Then he sighed.

"Fine!" he sighed.

"So, problem solved!" said Wang Yong, relieved.

Hao Xuan didn't voice out. He glanced at his father. Deep inside, he knew what happened. The trip to Tianjin was only his father's excuse.

There was an awkward silence on the garden table. Everyone was busy with their own thoughts by sipping the tea as a distraction to the awkwardness.

"Zhan, you can come to my office whenever you free and want to pay me a visit...!" Hao Xuan finally voiced out.

Zhan smiled.

"He go there for what? If he meets his father he will be sad...!" Yibo scowled.

Zhan lowered his head.

"Uncle Xiao is not working in the office, ma? He will come to the office if he only needs to talk to me or other staff, ma?" Hao Xuan reasoned.

"But still, that will remind him of his father...!" Yibo retorted.

"It's fine. I can take care of myself. I don't want to trouble anyony while I stay here..." Zhan interfered.

"Who said you troubled us, my child! You can accompany me in the house. I see you as a lovely boy. You can help me to plant in the backyard. I'm bored because all these fellows keep working and busy with their business...!" said Hwa Lin. She stroking Zhan's back.

"Because you are not our Mom, Hwa Lin..." Yibo mumbled' earned the glare from Wang Yong and Hao Xuan.

"Yibo! Watch your mouth!" Wang Yong snapped. He felt bad when he saw Hwa Lin look down with Yibo's words.

"What? I just speak the truth!" Yibo retorted.

"But you don't have to say it. We all know that she is not your biological mother, but can you have a little respect to her? I don't mind if you don't want to call her mother like your brother does. I even chill with you call her by her name. But please, can you have a respect to the elder?" Wang Yong ranted.

"Lao Gong... It's fine. He didn't mean to be rude...!" Hwa Lin meddled. She held her husband's hand.

"He did it in purpose!" replied Wang Yong with an angry tone.

"I'm leaving.! Zhan! Are you coming?" Yibo got up from his chair and kicked the chair he just used to sit on.

Zhan glanced at Hwa Lin who rubbed his back and nodded at him as a signal to permit him to leave. Zhan got up and bowed at the elders. Then he chased Yibo who already walked ahead.

Don't Wake Me Up (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now