Moving On

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Crying in my room is all I could seem to do these past two days

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Crying in my room is all I could seem to do these past two days. I was quite heartbroken over Hoseok.

I wasn't angry, at least not yet but I was full of sorrow. Why couldn't I just have real love? Was I really that unlovable to the point where everyone leave me?

Dad left me, mom was never great to me but left me too, and now Hoseok. I get it, he's still hesitant because of his last relationship but it wasn't fair to punish me for something I wasn't even at fault for.

"Unnie?" I heard Anyas soft concerned voice from the door. She walked in spotting me crying on my bed. "What's wrong?"

"I'm okay." I lied, it was a stupid lie. I had tears down my face, my face and eyes were red.

"You've been like this since you came back. Something is definitely wrong...was it your date?"

I sighed nodding my head. "He was just playing me." I whispered. "He didn't mean anything."

"That jerk." Anya clenched her fist. I chuckled softly.

"It's whatever." I sniffed wiping my eyes. "I'll be fine."

"It's his loss."

"It's my fault." I shook my head. "I know he wasn't being the kindest yet, I still stayed because I was so focused on what I wanted that I lost sight of what I deserved."

"Will you give him another chance?"

"No, what example would that show you? If I went back to him it's showing you that it's okay when it's not. That's emotional abuse Anya." I shook my head. "Deep down I know he's a good guy but either I'm not the right person to bring that out or he just needs to help himself."

"He's not your patient unnie." Anya frowned. "It's not your job to fix him."

She was right. It wasn't my job but he was my boyfriend I should've—no.

I nodded. "Well since you're now available...Mr.Kim seems to have a liking towards you."

"This again?" I chuckled.

"Pleaseeeee, one date!" Anya pleaded.

"Won't it be weird for you and Seph if I dated your guys teacher?" I sighed, she shook her head.

"It could benefit us. For example he could be more lenient with me about my grades." Anya pointed out.

"Oh so you want to use him through me, Mr.Kim is already lenient enough as is."

"Okay mostly because it'll be good for you. He's been single for 3 years, he's a great guy, funny, understanding and you're perfect. One date." She pleaded.

"I don't know. Besides we don't have much to talk about other than Seph and he's been doing well so I don't think I have a reason to talk to him."

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