Chapter Forty: Happy New Year

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“Neymar it’s great to see you,” Dani Alves called moving to greet his club team-mate and friend, he grinned realizing that Meena was with Neymar; he was thrilled that things were working out so well for the couple.

Neymar grinned wrapping an arm around Meena, he knew how nervous she was and he didn’t blame her; this was the first time that people would see them as a couple.

“It’s good to see you Dani… thanks for inviting us,” Neymar said with a nod of his head, he peeked at his girlfriend knowing that after that night everyone would know about them.

Meena stayed close to Neymar, she had been shopping with his sister to pick out a dress for tonight; she wasn’t sure what would happen when they had gone public.

“Meena,” Dani greeted moving to hug the brunette, she looked pretty and he doubted that Neymar would leave her side; the sky blue sheath scoop sequins beading short-length cocktail dress paired with golden simple net peep toe stiletto heel pumps looked perfect on her.

Meena blushed a little as Dani kissed her cheek, she felt Neymar draw her closer making her laugh softly when she saw the look on his face while he glared at Dani.

“Don’t worry Ney… I’m not going to steal your girlfriend,” Dani teased, he hadn’t been surprised when Neymar had told him that he was dating Meena; anyone could have seen it coming after what had happened with Rafa.

Neymar glared at his friend, he knew Dani was only being nice but he felt tense when it came to Meena; she looked simply beautiful tonight and no one was going to make her feel uncomfortable.

“So what can I get you both to drink?” Dani asked trying to ease the tension, he had a feeling that Neymar wasn’t going to be in the best mood if anyone flirted with his girlfriend.


Neymar carefully led Meena out onto the balcony as the countdown to the New Year started, he wanted a moment alone with his girlfriend while they welcomed in 2014; he was sure that no one would miss them.

Meena smiled looking at Neymar wondering what he had planned for them welcoming in the New Year; she was glad that they were in Brazil and not Barcelona as they stepped outside.

“Not long now,” Neymar murmured drawing Meena close, he could hear everyone counting down the final seconds of 2013; he couldn’t believe how much had changed for him.

Meena looked up at Neymar, she wrapped her arms around his neck wondering what the New Year would hold for them; she was sure they would be kicking it off with a bang.

Neymar rested his head against Meena’s, his eyes searched hers as he waited for the signal that the New Year had begun; he ducked down to kiss Meena as the clock struck twelve.

People cheered inside of the house and the fireworks started welcoming in the New Year, it was a good start to what was going to be a long year with the World Cup around the corner.

“Feliz Ano Novo,” Neymar whispered pulling back from Meena, he brushed his fingers through her hair before he kissed her again; he couldn’t believe that everything seemed so perfect about this moment.

Meena smiled, she was just glad that they’d managed to have a moment to themselves without any interruptions; she didn’t think that anyone had noticed that they had disappeared.

“Feliz Ano Novo,” Meena replied kissing Neymar, she closed her eyes hoping that they were going to be okay; she had no idea what was going to happen when they went back to Barcelona.

Neymar held her close wanting to enjoy this moment with her before they had to go back inside; he had a feeling that this party was going to run until the early hours.

“Come on lovebirds,” Dani shouted popping his head out of the door to look at the couple that were kissing on his balcony, he rolled his eyes amused snapping a picture; he had a feeling that it would make an interesting on to post on instagram.

Neymar pulled back from Meena and glared at Dani, his phone buzzing signalling that he had a message; he allowed Meena to step away from him.

“Thank me later,” Dani called before he stepped back into the house, he was sure that it wasn’t going to be long until they came inside; he was sure that his own girlfriend was somewhere inside the house looking for him.

Neymar pulled out his phone and looked at the picture that Dani had sent him, it was the perfect picture to use to announce his relationship; he doubted anyone could deny how happy he looked in this picture with Meena.

“Are you coming?” Meena asked looking at her boyfriend, she watched him curiously wondering what was in the message; she was sure that it couldn’t be important.

Happy New Year everyone… xxx

Neymar typed and uploaded the picture onto his instagram before putting his phone back into his pocket he wrapped an arm around his girlfriend and walking inside.

It was going to be a great year and Neymar was sure of it, he wasn’t going to allow anyone to bring him down; he would do whatever it took to make sure that he left the year as happy as he was entering it.



Author's Note:

This is the end of I'll Be Thinking of You.

Thanks to everyone who read, commented and rated this story, I couldn't have done it without any of you xxx

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