Chapter Thirty-Six: Brazil for the Holidays

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Neymar watched his girlfriend concerned, they were waiting for their flight to be called so that they could fly to Brazil for the holidays; they would be there for two weeks before they would return to Barcelona.

Meena hadn’t told Neymar why she had left her apartment but he knew that something had happened; her mobile would ring constantly yet she refused to answer it.

“Are you okay?” Neymar asked softly, he wished that he knew what was going on and why Meena had left the apartment; she had been happy there before and now she refused to talk about it.

Meena nodded her head as she forced a smile, she didn’t want to cause any problems for Neymar and she just wanted to enjoy their first Christmas as a couple.

“I’m fine,” Meena reassured him, she wasn’t sure how Neymar would react if she were told him that Neil had feelings for her; she didn’t want to upset him and they were going to have a good Christmas.

Neymar stared at Meena not believing her, he was sure that if it was something important that she would tell him; he wished that there was something that he could do to make her feel better about what ever had happened.

Neymar opened his mouth to say something when their flight was announced over the speaker system; he smiled a little glad that he had booked them a private flight to Brazil, he didn’t want people harassing him on the flight.

Meena got to her feet and shouldered her bag, she wanted to forget about her problems for a couple of days; she was sure that she had made the right decision to move out.

Neil needed to move on with his life, Meena didn’t want him holding onto the fact that he had feelings for her when she was dating Neymar; it wouldn’t be far for any of them if she tried to ignore what had happened.


Neymar flicked through his magazine bored as he watched Meena from the corner of his eye, he was already bored and they hadn’t left Barcelona more than an hour ago; he sighed putting down his magazine.

“No,” Meena stated without looking up from her book, she didn’t have to look to know that her boyfriend was bored and she knew that he would probably want to make out.

Neymar rolled his eyes, a small smile forming on his lips before he turned to face Meena completely while she curled up on the couch; he loved the fact that she was his girlfriend and he doubted that he would be able to keep it secret for much longer.

“I didn’t say anything,” Neymar teased smiling, he leant back in his chair and stared at Meena; he knew that he had to find out what was bothering her before they landed he didn’t want it ruining their trip.

Neymar was looking forward to relaxing for a few days, he wouldn’t be called back to Barcelona until the 2nd of January for training before the match against Real Sociedad.

“You don’t have to,” Meena replied still not looking at Neymar, she was content to relax for a little while and she was sure that Davi would be thrilled to see the both of them.

The little boy had been with his mother for the last couple of weeks and Neymar spoke to his son every evening; he missed him when he was with Carolina.

“What happened back at your apartment?” Neymar asked wanting to know what was going on, he could tell that it bothered Meena and he wanted to comfort her.

Meena closed her book and looked at Neymar, she doubted he was going to leave her alone while he was bored; she sighed wishing that he would just let this all go.

“It doesn’t matter,” Meena dismissed wanting to forget about how things had ended between her and Neil, she was doing her best to not let it affect her but she missed her friend.

“It does if it’s upset you,” Neymar countered not letting this go, he wasn’t going to let Meena mope while they were celebrating the holidays; he was sure that his mother would notice when they arrived.

Neymar was also going to break the news to his father, he wasn’t sure how the older man would take the news that he wasn’t dating a model but instead his son’s nanny.

“How would you like to join the mile high club?” Meena asked wanting to change the subject, she smiled innocently at Neymar while her boyfriend stared at her surprised at what she had said.

Neymar swallowed trying to ignore his mind’s very dirty thoughts, he knew that Meena was trying to distract him from the topic at hand; he wasn’t going to let it go like she wanted him to.

“I would like it more if you told me what is going on,” Neymar replied trying not to show how interested he was in what she had said; he wanted their first time to be special and he wasn’t going to rush her after what had happened to her.

Meena groaned annoyed a little, she wished that her boyfriend would let this go but she doubted that Neymar would and she wasn’t sure what would happen when she told him.

“Neil admitted that he loves me,” Meena revealed softly, she didn’t want him to get upset about what had happened; she peeked at Neymar surprised that he didn’t at all look upset.

Neymar just nodded his head, he had known that Neil had feelings for Meena and he was only a little upset that the other man had told Meena while she was dating him.

“I moved out so that he could have some space,” Meena continued, she would never see Neil in that way and she wasn’t going to make things weird between them.


“Mãe,” Neymar greeted hugging Nadine, it might have only been a couple of days since he had seen her but he had missed her; things were better now that she knew how he felt.

Nadine smiled, she had never seen her son so happy and she was sure that the holidays were going to be perfect; she didn’t even mind that Meena was joining them since it made

Neymar happy. Rafaella moved to greet her brother and his new girlfriend, she had known that this was going to happen; she was happy that he finally had a decent girlfriend.

“How was your flight?” Nadine asked knowing it was a long one, she hoped the couple hadn’t done anything stupid since she didn’t want another grandchild just yet.

Nadine adored Davi but she wished that Neymar hadn’t gotten Carolina pregnant at such a young age, she wasn’t sure her son was ready for fatherhood again.

“It was good,” Meena replied while Neymar wrapped an arm around her, he was glad that they had talked about the Neil issue and he was glad that she had put some space between them.

Nadine nodded her head, she wasn’t sure what that meant but she was going to trust the couple; she turned to leave and stopped when she saw Neymar Sr. standing just a few feet away from them.

Nadine had purposely left him out of this since she knew that Neymar hadn’t told his father about his real girlfriend; she didn’t want any fights over the holidays.

“So this is the new girlfriend,” Neymar Sr. said making his son turn to look at him, he stared at the brunette that stood next to his son; he had no idea what Neymar was thinking dating her instead of Gabriella. 

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