Chapter Thirty-Three: Happy Birthday Meena

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Nadine raised an eyebrow as she watched her son trying to bake a birthday cake, she was impressed that Neymar was trying so hard for Meena’s birthday; she had never seen him do this before.

“Are you sure you don’t want any help?” Nadine asked doubting that Meena wanted food poisoning on her birthday, she had spent the past week and a half getting to know her son’s girlfriend.

Nadine had slowly warmed to Meena and she was a little relieved that he had chosen so well; the only thing that Neymar had yet to do was inform his father that he was dating the nanny.

Slowly the couple had broken the news that they were dating to close friends and family, most of whom had been welcoming to the news that they were together now.

“I’m good,” Neymar said slowly pouring the mixture into the tin, this was his second attempt and he was determined to make it work; he had burnt the first one and he knew Meena would be coming around after having lunch with her friends.

Nadine nodded her head, she had to admit that she was a little impressed that he was trying to bake a cake; he had never done anything like this before and it was a lot nicer than splashing out on expensive gifts.

“If you’re sure,” Nadine said amused, she was curious how long it would take him to give up and just go to the shop and get a cake; she doubted that he would succeed anytime soon with his mission.

Neymar carefully put the cake tin into the oven, he was determined to get this right without any help from anyone; he wanted to prove that he could do this and he was sure that he could pull it off.


“Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday Dear Meena, Happy Birthday to You,” Meena’s friends sang loudly making the brunette blush, they had gone to her favourite restaurant for dinner and they insisted on singing to her.

Meena hugged Erica and pressed a kiss to her friend’s cheek, she couldn’t believe that she was turning twenty-two already; it seemed so unreal to her especially after all that she had been through.

“Okay… blow out your candles and make a wish,” Connor insisted smiling at Meena, she looked so happy and he knew that it was all down to Neymar; she was doing so much better than she had been before.

Meena closed her eyes and blew out her candles, she couldn’t think of anything that she wanted right now; she was happy and she just wanted to remain that way.

“So what did you wish for?” Neil asked looking at his best friend, he knew that she had plans with her boyfriend later that day and he was happy for her; Meena deserved to be happy after what had happened to her.

Meena shook her head and tapped the side of her nose, she wouldn’t tell them and she was sure that they would work out.

“I’m not telling,” Meena teased making her friends laugh, it had been a while since they’d had time like this; they were all busy with work and it had been worth the wait.

Erica wrapped her arms around Connor, she had no idea how Meena had managed to keep things quiet about the fact that she was dating Neymar; it hadn’t come as much of a surprise since Meena spent most of her time with him.

“So what does super boyfriend have planned for tonight?” Neil asked curiously, he knew that Meena would be spending the evening with Neymar and he was sure that the footballer had something expensive planned for the night.

Meena smiled, she had spoken to Neymar the day before and he insisted that he had something special planned for her birthday; she just didn’t know what it was yet, she hadn’t heard from him all day.

“It’s a surprise,” Meena said with a small smile, she hoped that whatever Neymar had planned for her birthday that it wasn’t going to cause him too much trouble.

Meena only wanted something simple and the last thing that she wanted was for Neymar to spend lots of money on a gift; she could only imagine what his former girlfriends had liked in taste.

Neil nodded his head, he wasn’t sure how he felt about Meena dating the footballer but if she was happy then that was all that mattered; he just wanted her happy and that was what Neymar made her.

Erica and Connor shared a look, they knew that Meena hadn’t realised that Neil had feelings for her; they had always known she didn’t see the blonde that way and now someone was going to get hurt when those feelings came out.

“So who wants cake?” Connor said trying to ease the tension, he didn’t want any fights and he hoped that everything would be okay; he didn’t want to lose either of his friends.


Neymar grinned excitedly as he kissed his girlfriend, he had missed her and was glad that she had come to see him; he held her close for a moment enjoying having her in his arms again.

“Happy Birthday,” Neymar whispered into Meena’s ear, he was excited about having his girlfriend with him; he dragged her slowly into the kitchen to show her what he had spent the day doing.

Meena raised an eyebrow curious about what her boyfriend had planned, she was a little nervous since she knew he wasn’t very good at cooking; she had been surprised how little he could in fact cook.

Nadine looked up from her book and smiled, she watched Neymar lead Meena into the kitchen and she was impressed with how hard he had worked on the cake.

“Ney,” Meena questioned curious about what her boyfriend had planned, she stopped when Neymar showed her the cake that he had made.

Neymar smiled knowing that it wasn’t much but he had tried hard, he wasn’t going to feel bad about what he had done; he looked at Meena knowing that she was worth it.

“I baked you a cake,” Neymar said grinning, he looked at the cake that he had made pleased with himself; he had done it all on his own and he had never baked before in his life.

Meena stared at her boyfriend for a moment and then looked at the cake, she blinked surprised as she realised how hard he must have worked to do this; she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him.

“Gracias,” Meena whispered shocked that Neymar had done this for her, it was better than any gift that he could have gotten her; she loved that he knew that she didn’t want some expensive gift that she wouldn’t like.

Neymar kissed Meena, he was a little surprised that she had liked it but he knew that it was the thought that mattered; she wasn’t like Bruna who would want some expensive jewellery or Carolina who wanted to be taken to a restaurant and pamper.

“Are you sure you like?” Neymar asked looking at the cake, it had been burnt a little and was actually his fourth attempt; he had gotten better with each try but it still looked a little messy.

Meena laughed softly and kissed him on the cheek, she had no idea why he thought that she wouldn’t like it; she had no idea where he had gotten the idea from.

“Of course I like it… it’s from you,” Meena said smiling, she was proud of him and she knew that they would be okay no matter what happened in the near future.

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