Chapter Thirty-Seven: A Little R&R

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“Your pai doesn’t like me,” Meena said following Neymar into his apartment, she wasn’t even surprised that her boyfriend’s father hadn’t been too thrilled to learn that they were dating.

Neymar Sr. had been far from welcoming at the airport and had stormed away before anyone could stop him, Nadine had apologized and then hurried after him hoping to stop him.

“It doesn’t matter if he does,” Neymar replied turning to look at his girlfriend, he was happy and he wasn’t going to change his mind; he was dating Meena and there was nothing that his father could say to change that.

Neymar pulled his girlfriend into his arms and held her close, he wasn’t going to let his father’s tantrum ruin his holiday.

Meena kissed Neymar softly, her arms moving around his neck and pulling him closer; she had noticed how close they had been getting recently and she was glad he wasn’t rushing her.

Neymar deepened the kiss, his hands moving to slip under her top and he knew that they wouldn’t be going any further; he held Meena close wanting nothing more than to hold her.

“We should get some sleep,” Meena murmured pulling back from her boyfriend, she was tired and she was hopeful to get some rest before dinner with his family.

Neymar nodded his head, he held Meena close knowing that there was no way he would allow her to sleep in her small cramped room; she was his girlfriend now and she deserved better.

“Come on,” Neymar whispered tugging her gently, he smiled when Meena looked at him confused wondering where they were going; she knew where her room was and she doubted that it had changed since the last time that she had seen it.

Neymar grinned tugging Meena into his bedroom, he wanted her to have a good sleep and he couldn’t think of anywhere that he would rather have her stay while she was with him.


Neymar ran his fingers through his hair looking out of his bedroom window, they were high above the city and he was glad to have some time alone with Meena; he wasn’t sure what would happen when he saw his father again.

Meena was sleeping soundly in his bed and Neymar was glad that she was getting some rest, he was sure that everything would work out when they went to his parents.

Neymar took a deep breath, he knew that sooner or later he would have to tell the world that he wasn’t actually dating Gabriella; he didn’t want to hide things but he didn’t want to freak Meena out.

The couple had only been together for six weeks and Neymar was determined night to frighten her away; he peeked over at his girlfriend knowing how lucky he was.

Neymar rested his head against the cold window, he wanted this to go well and he didn’t think his father would ever accept that he was dating Meena; he wanted his son to have the best and that plan didn’t include a nanny girlfriend.

“Ney… are you coming back to bed?” Meena murmured softly, her blue eyes opening to look at Neymar; she didn’t know what he was doing out of bed and she hoped he was okay.

Neymar nodded his head with a small smile, he knew he was over thinking and he knew that he would need rest if he was going to deal with his father at dinner tomorrow.

Meena smiled a little as Neymar climbed back into bed, he had refused to allow her to sleep in her crappy maid’s room and insisted that she share his bedroom since Carolina would be having the guest room when she came to stay over the holidays with Davi.

“Go back to sleep,” Neymar soothed not wanting to worry Meena about anything, he wanted her to relax and rest while they were in Brazil for two weeks without any worries.


Meena cuddled into Neymar’s arms, her blue eyes looking out of the window and at the beautiful view from the bedroom window; she hadn’t gotten to enjoy it much when she had last been in São Paulo.

Neymar buried his head into Meena’s neck, he murmured in his sleep making Meena smile; she brushed her fingers through his hair knowing that he needed to rest.

“Don’t steal my hair gel,” Neymar muttered wrapping his arms tighter around Meena, he rubbed his nose against her neck as he continued to sleep peaceful; he hadn’t had much rest with the season getting so busy.

Meena was proud of her boyfriend and she hoped that Barcelona would do well, she had a feeling that it was going to be close between them and Real Madrid; but it was like that every year.

The night sky was dark outside of the window and Meena knew it was still very late, she was sure that whatever happened tomorrow that they could face it as a couple.

Meena wasn’t stupid and she knew that Neymar Sr. was going to take quite a bit of convincing when it came down to the fact that she was dating his son.

Nadine had told her a lot about him and Meena knew he only wanted what was best for his son; he wanted his son to have everything like Neymar wanted the best for Davi.

“Meena,” Neymar murmured while his left hand slipped under her green crochet trim vest, it rested against her bare stomach while his legs tangled with hers.

Meena squeaked feeling something that she knew Neymar would be embarrassed about in the morning; she knew he dived out of bed in the morning for a cold shower so she wouldn’t know about his morning problem and so things wouldn’t be awkward between them.

Neymar snuffled in his sleep, Meena had gotten used to her boyfriend’s very odd sleeping habits and she found it a little cute that he talked in his sleep; it was often random and she had never told him that he did it.

“Love you Nia…” Neymar mumbled pressing a sloppy kiss to Meena’s neck, he was still sound asleep and Meena held her breath; she couldn’t believe what he had just said to her.

Meena smiled musing over the idea that Neymar loved her, it hadn’t been long and she knew that he wouldn’t say the words unless he meant them.

“Love you too Ney,” Meena replied knowing that he would never know that she did until he said the words to her while they were awake; she brushed her fingers through her hair smiling to herself.

Meena knew that she did love Neymar, she had never felt like this before and he had slowly healed her after what had happened; he had given her hope again and she loved him for that.

“Cheese grater,” Neymar whispered with a smile on his lips, he cuddled Meena while still far away in dream land; he snored a little making Meena bit her lip amused at her boyfriend’s nighttime talks.

Meena shook her head knowing that she couldn’t laugh without waking Neymar up, she wondered how anyone slept when they had to room with him while on away matches and internationals.

“Boomerang,” Neymar grumbled softly, his head nuzzling into Meena’s neck as he clutched her close as if she would disappear if he let her go.

Meena closed her eyes wanting to go back to sleep, she had no idea what she would do if Neymar Sr. demanded that they break up; she didn’t want to lose Neymar when he meant so much to her.

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