Chapter Three: Meeting Davi

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Nadine pursed her lips as she opened the front door and stared at Meena, she was actually surprised that the brunette was on time since she had assumed that the younger woman would be late.

“Bom dia,” Meena greeted as she shouldered her bag and offered Nadine a small smile, the older woman made her nervous and she was determined not to mess up this opportunity.

The brunette was sure that Nadine would be quick to fire her if anything were to go wrong while she was working for the family; she was going to prove that she could do this.

“Bom dia,” Nadine greeted stiffly as she allowed Meena to step into the house, she eyed the plain top and jeans that the brunette had opted to wear knowing that Davi was being extremely fussy today.

Meena quickly stepped inside and chewed on her lip, she was only working a short day but she knew that soon Nadine wouldn’t be around and she would have to deal with her real boss then.

Meena just hoped that she could find an easy enough time-table to stick to since she hadn’t been given much information about the real person that she was now working for.

“Davi has had his breakfast,” Nadine said as she signalled for the nanny to follow after her, she wanted to get on with her own day while leaving Davi in the capable hands of his nanny.

Meena nodded her head as she followed Nadine, her blue eyes looking around the home that she really didn’t see much of when she had first been there; she had been quickly shown her room and that had been it.

Stepping into the kitchen, Nadine smiled fondly as she saw her grandson; she really hoped that she had picked the right person for the job.

Meena blinked a little surprised at the sight of the little blonde hair boy, he looked nothing like the woman that stood next to her.

“Davi this is Meena,” Nadine said as she moved to collect the little boy and cuddle him, she knew that he missed his mother but the arrangement was that for two weeks a month he was too live with his father and the other two he was too live with his mother.

That had been the agreement that Neymar and Caroline had agreed on when Neymar had transferred to Barcelona and left his former club behind; he wanted to see as much of his son as possible and this was the only way.

Davi looked at Meena curiously as his grandmother held him, he had no idea just how important the brunette would become to him especially since she would be spending the most time with him.

“Olá Davi,” Meena said as she smiled at the nearly two year old little boy, she couldn’t believe how adorable he was and she was curious about which of his parents that he took after.

Davi tilted his head as he eyed Meena warily, he wasn’t quite sure what to make of her and he knew that there had to be a reason that his grandmother was introducing him to her.


“What are you doing here?” Bruna snapped as she glared at the woman that was playing with Davi, she glared at the brunette that she recognised as the waitress from the party the other night.

Meena looked up surprised as she settled Davi onto her lap, she stared at the Brazilian stunned that she was meeting her again after the engagement party; it made her suddenly worry who she was working for.

“I’m Davi’s new nanny,” Meena said as she calmed herself, there was no point getting worked up right now since she doubted that it would do her any good to worry over something she couldn’t change.

The brunette had been able to handle Bruna last night and it wasn’t going to change now that she was working as a nanny.

The two women stared at each other for a moment before Meena turned her attention back to playing with Davi who seemed thrilled to have someone fuss over him.

Bruna huffed annoyed before she stormed away intent on finding Nadine to get to the bottom of why the waitress was now the nanny her boyfriend’s son.

“Will you explain what is going on?” Bruna demanded as she found Nadine in the family room drinking coffee, she had been giving Meena some space so that she could bond with Davi.

Nadine glared at the eighteen year old wondering what had upset her this time, she rarely spoke to any of Neymar’s family unless it was to moan about something she didn’t like.

“Meena is the nanny that I hired to look after Davi,” Nadine said calmly sipping on her coffee, she wasn’t sure why Bruna was so upset about this since she didn’t like spending time with the little boy anyway.

Davi was nothing more than a pebble in her shoe and the actress spent a lot of her time trying to drag Neymar away from his son to spend time with her.

Bruna pursed her lips as she watched Nadine, she didn’t want any woman near her boyfriend especially since she was in Brazil working on her television show and wouldn’t be able to keep an eye on them.

“I don’t like her,” Bruna said stamping her foot, she didn’t know why Davi needed a nanny and she hoped that if she threw a tantrum then Nadine might fire the woman that she had hired.

Meena was a threat to her relationship with Neymar, even if the footballer hadn’t met the brunette properly.

“Tough… Meena is here to stay until I say otherwise,” Nadine said knowing that Bruna was trying to do and she wasn’t going to fall for her strop; she had two children of her own and she knew just how to deal with this sort of behaviour.


Bruna sat in the living room glaring at Meena as she continued to play with Davi, she was annoyed that Nadine wasn’t going to get rid of the other woman and she hoped that Neymar would when she saw him.

The Brazilian knew that there had to be a reason that Meena had been at the engagement party and was now working as a nanny for her boyfriend.

There was only one explanation that Bruna could come up with and that was that the brunette was there to steal her footballer boyfriend away from her.

Bruna had known that when Neymar joined the Catalonian club that there was a chance that more women would notice him even if it did promote her own career.

The sound of the front door opening and closing had Bruna jumping out of her seat and hurrying out of the living room.

Meena sighed in relief glad that she didn’t have to put up with the younger woman glaring at her when she had done nothing wrong; she was nearly doing her job and wasn’t at all interested in what was going on.

Neymar strolled passed the room and headed to greet her son knowing what Bruna would attempt to do, she could already see the actress trying to keep Neymar away from Davi.

“Papa,” Davi squealed in excitement as he toddled out of the living room and headed straight for his father who was quick to pick him up and hug him.

Meena followed after the little boy and paused as she watched Davi with his footballer father, she certainly hadn’t been expecting this when she had signed on as the little boy’s nanny.

“Neymar this is Meena, the new nanny,” Nadine said as she smiled at her son, she had a feeling that not only would Meena be looking after her grandson but she would also be keeping Bruna on her toes from now on.

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