Chapter Twenty-Two: Making Mistakes

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Aranea giggled as Adrián Ortolá lead her into one of the bedroom’s at the party, she pulled away from him and hurried towards the bed to bounce on it before she looked back at her date.

Aranea couldn’t believe that someone like Adrián was interested in her, he was amazing and she was so glad that she had come to this party and met him; it was worth the fact that she had lied to her parents to come.

“So tell me more about you?” Adrián asked smiling as he walked over to Aranea, he couldn’t believe that he had managed to convince her to come upstairs with him.

Aranea blushed as she looked away from Adrián as he sat down beside her, she had lied about her age and she had told the people at the party that she was nineteen.

Aranea doubted that they would want her around if they knew that she was fifteen then she wouldn’t have been invited and Adrián wouldn’t be interested in her anymore.

“There’s not much to say,” Aranea said smiling at Adrián, she didn’t want to let anything ruining this evening; she couldn’t wait to brag to her friends back in Lisbon about her footballer boyfriend.

Aranea peeked at Adrián, she was sure that he liked her and she didn’t know why her older sister should have all the fun here in Barcelona.

Adrián chuckled and leant forward to kiss Aranea, he’d had a couple of drinks and he was a little excited about being in a bedroom with a beautiful woman.

Aranea giggled as Adrián kissed her, she carefully wrapped her arms around his neck pleased with how things were playing out; she couldn’t believe that this was happening to somewhere like her.

Adrián smiled as he started to kiss down her neck, he knew what he wanted and he was sure that Aranea wanted the same; he had no idea that he was actually to sleep with someone under the age of consent.

“Adrián…” Aranea whispered trying to stop him, she wasn’t ready to do anything like that and hoped that he would understand; she wanted to wait a couple of years before she took that step.

Adrián chuckled and went back to kissing Aranea, his hands moving to slip under her top; he didn’t mind taking this slow and he was sure that they wouldn’t be disturbed all night.

“Come on nena,” Adrián murmured moving to kiss down Aranea’s neck, he slowly pushed her back on the bed and climbed on top of her; he pinned her down as he ignored her pleas for him to stop.

Aranea felt panic consume her wondering what she was going to do, she wasn’t strong enough to push him off and no one would hear her cries over the sound of the music downstairs.

“Por favor,” Aranea pleaded as she tried to get Adrián off her, she couldn’t believe that this was happening to her; she had thought that he had liked her.

Adrián chuckled reaching down to unzip his jeans, he was going to give Aranea what she wanted and he didn’t know why she was playing innocent right now; she had come to this party for a reason.

Before Adrián could unzip his jeans, the bedroom door burst open and he was pulled from Aranea by Neymar who slammed him into the wall.

Meena followed after her boyfriend and rushed to her sister, she couldn’t believe that this had happened; her heartbeat wildly in her chest as she realised what had nearly wrong with you.

“What the hell is wrong with you… she’s only fifteen,” Meena shouted staring at Adrián, she was furious right now and she couldn’t believe that her sister had nearly been raped.

Adrián paled as he realised what had nearly happened, he looked shocked as Neymar let him go before he snuck to the floor; he had forced himself on a minor.

Aranea swallowed looking at Meena, she couldn’t believe that her sister had come looking for her; she was going to be in so much trouble when she got home for sneaking to a party like that.

“Do you have any idea how worried I have been?” Meena snapped turning to look at her sister, she knew that their parents would be worried and she had to get Aranea back to the hotel but she wanted to know what her sister had been thinking by coming to this party.

Aranea scoffed, she didn’t believe that for a moment and she got to her feet; she didn’t see any reason on putting off her punishment, Meena would have ratted her out to their parents.

“Like you care,” Aranea said crossing her arms, she didn’t want to hear Meena’s sob story and she didn’t care; her sister had left and she had no interest in what she had to say.

Meena sighed wondering when things had gotten this bad, she had left for a reason and she doubted that Aranea would care to hear why she had left.

“Don’t talk to your sister like that,” Neymar said wondering if Aranea realised that she had nearly been raped, she had been irresponsible by coming to this party when no one knew where she was.

Aranea snorted before she turned to walk out, she wasn’t going to listen to Neymar and she was sure that he had feelings for her lame older sister.

“Ara…” Meena said following after her sister, this wasn’t over and she wanted to know what was going on with her; Aranea was better than this and she didn’t want to let this go just yet.


“Just take me home Meena… I don’t want to talk to you,” Aranea said stalking out of the party, her sister had ruined what could have been a wonderful night for her; she didn’t want to stop and listen.

Meena followed after her sister, she wasn’t going to let this go and she wished that Aranea would understand that she had to come to Barcelona and she had to get away from what had happened to her.

“Would you stop being a brat for a moment…” Meena snapped growing tired of her sister’s behaviour, she didn’t want to reveal her dark secret, not like this.

Neymar followed slowly behind the two sisters, he hoped that Aranea would see sense that Meena wasn’t the enemy; he hated to think of them losing out on each other.

“Why should I, you left, you don’t care about me,” Aranea snapped turning to face her sister, she didn’t care that they were standing in someone’s front garden yelling; she just wanted to go back to the hotel and face their parents.

Meena shook her head, she loved her sister and she wondered why Aranea couldn’t see that staying in Lisbon would have killed her; she had left because she couldn’t stay there any longer.

“Of course I care… you’re my sister and I love you,” Meena said stepping towards Aranea, she wanted to be supportive but Aranea was making things difficult for her.

Aranea didn’t believe that for a moment and she wished that Meena would just leave her alone; she hadn’t been there when she had needed her the most.

“You ruin everything,” Aranea accused, she wanted her big sister back and she hated that she wasn’t there to help her with school and boys; she had been left behind with new reasons or explanations.

“I had to leave… I didn’t have a choice,” Meena tried to explain, she wanted to give Aranea a hug but she doubted that her sister would let her anywhere near her.

“There is always a choice… what happened that you couldn’t tell me about?” Aranea demanded, she had tears in her eyes wishing that she knew why Meena had pushed her away.

“I was raped,” Meena blurted out making Neymar stare at her, the world seemed to go silent as her secret was finally revealed.

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