Chapter Ten: What If and Maybe

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Neymar grumbled to himself parking his Audi R8 Spyder in the garage, he rested his head against the back of his seat as he closed his eyes; he knew that he shouldn’t have punched Rafa but he couldn’t stand him talking like that about Meena.

His lip stung slightly and Neymar could already feel his face starting to swell slightly were his black eye was starting to form.

Shaking his head, Neymar climbed out of his car and slammed the door shut; he couldn’t believe that he had been so stupid to let Rafa’s words get to him like that.

Gerardo Martino would certainly have something to say about his actions and Neymar was dreading seeing the manager tomorrow; he was a new player and he was already causing trouble for the team.

The locker room had been tense for the past week since Meena’s date with Rafa and the other Brazilian talking his mouth off about the nanny had made things tense between them.

Neymar walked out of the small garage building and headed towards the main house, anger still bubbling in his veins as he looked for his keys.

The last thing that Neymar wanted was to wake Davi up, he adored his son and he didn’t want his the two year old to see him like this; he unlocked the door and stepped inside taking in the silence of his home before he shut the door.

Neymar cringed hearing the door slam, he peeked around the dark of his home knowing it was just before midnight and he was home earlier than planned; he shook his head as he walked towards the kitchen hoping to clean his injuries before he went to bed.

Neymar paused at the bottom of the stairs and looked up them, he wondered for a moment if he should wake Meena to let her know that he was home; shaking his head he dismissed the thought before he continued on his way.


Meena blinked awake hearing a door slamming shut, she groaned turning over in her bed and looked at the alarm clock at her bedside; it was just before midnight and she had been asleep about an hour.

Meena shook her head annoyed as she threw back her covers and swung her legs over the side of the bed, she was wearing a grey long sleeve star print top and navy relaxed fit jogging bottoms.

Meena reached for her grey quilted slipper boots and pulled them onto her feet, she yawned as she listened to someone bagging around the kitchen making her wonder what was going on.

Pushing herself to her feet, Meena quietly padded out of her bedroom and peered into the dark hall that was her quarters, she sighed a little annoyed as the banging continued; she was glad that Davi slept upstairs and wouldn’t be able to hear all of this noise.

Meena opened the door to her quarters and stepped out, she knew she’d been given the maid’s quarters and it didn’t bother her since she had her own bedroom and bathroom plus there was a small entrance that she could use if she wanted to sneak into the house.

There was also a staircase that led up to the first floor that came out right next to Davi’s bedroom, meaning that she could quickly be at the little boy’s side during the night if he needed her.

Meena quietly walked into the kitchen and frowned spotting Neymar searching the cupboards for something; she furrowed her brow wondering what he was doing home so early.

“Neymar?” Meena asked stepping forward in the room, she watched a tension filled his shoulders as he stopped what he was doing.

The footballer groaned softly before he turned to face Meena, he hadn’t meant to wake her up and had thought she’d be sound asleep right now.

Meena gasped spotting the injuries on his face, she quickly moved to the fridge-freezer and opened it as she begun to search for a bag of frozen peas to put on his forming black eye.

“What happened?” Meena demanded finding what she was looking for and looked back at Neymar, he was leant against the counter as she shut the freezer and hurried over to him with the peas.

Carefully Meena pressed them to his face, a quiet apology leaving her lips as Neymar hissed as the frozen peas came into contact with the heated skin.

“I got into a fight with Rafa,” Neymar said watching Meena closely, this wasn’t her fault and he didn’t want her to feel guilty about it; Rafa had been disrespectful and he’d had no right to talk about her like that.

Meena looked up at him concerned, she knew that it had been about her; she had heard that Rafa had been bad mouthing her to all of the team and she didn’t care.

Rafa was just showing how immature that he was since she had turned down his second offer of a date, she wasn’t going to go through that again.

“You shouldn’t of…” Meena sighed shaking her head, she blinked as she realised how close their faces where; Neymar was about five foot nine inches tall while Meena herself was about five foot six inches.

Meena cleared her throat awkwardly as she stepped back from Neymar a little as the air around them seemed to fill with tension.

Neymar opened and closed his mouth feeling a charge in the air, he had a girlfriend but he couldn’t ignore how he felt about Meena; he wished that there was something he could say.

Meena shifted nervously, she couldn’t believe that she was being so silly about this, he had a girlfriend and could never possibly have any interest in her.

“What if I like you?” Neymar said suddenly watching her face, her blue eyes snapped up to meet his light brown ones that held specs of green; he offered her a small smile gently tugged her close again.

Her hand still holding the frozen peas to his face, making him carefully reach up and take them from her.

Neymar set them on the counter as he watched Meena, he couldn’t deny this anymore and he had to end things with Bruna; he didn’t care for the actress like he should have, like he did Meena.

“What if I wanted to be more than friends?” Neymar continued his eyes searched her face, he carefully reached up to touch her cheek as he felt his heart hammer his rib cage at his words.

Meena closed her eyes as Neymar cupped her cheek, she cursed herself for feeling the way that she did; she’d worked for him for six weeks now and had found herself attracted to him.

“You have a girlfriend,” Meena whispered shaking her head, she could never ask him to do anything like that and she didn’t want to be the other woman in his life.

Neymar sighed resting his head against hers, that was a problem and Bruna was starting to annoy him with her constant neediness.

Neymar closed his eyes as he fought the urge to kiss Meena, the air around them was filled with a charge and he couldn’t believe that this was happening to him.

“What if I broke up with Bruna?” Neymar murmured brushing his lips against Meena’s, he wanted so much to kiss her but he didn’t want to do something that would make things awkward for them.

Meena rested her hands on his wrists, her nose nudging gently against Neymar’s as she thought about his words.

“Then maybe… just maybe we could give this a chance,” Meena whispered her lips ghosted over his, however just before they could kiss for the first time Neymar’s mobile rang.

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