Chapter Nineteen: Dinner with the Parents

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Meena brushed her fingers through her hair as she stepped into the restaurant where she was going to have dinner with her family; she peeked around before she spotted her mother waving at her.

Meena chewed on her lip as she walked over to the table, she really wasn’t looking forward to this meal; everything was so awkward between her and her parents.

Meena was a little grateful that Aranea had no idea about what had happened to her, she wanted to protect her sister from the truth about what she had been through; even if it had destroyed their once close relationship.

“How are you?” Gabrielle asked moving to hug her daughter, she smiled knowing that she wished they were so much closer than before.

Meena hugged her mother back as she closed her eyes, she missed her parents sometimes and she was happy that she got to see them sometimes; she was happy here in Barcelona away from what had happened.

“I’m good mãe,” Meena said pulling back and setting down her black fringed tassle box clutch bag on the table; she smiled at her father before she moved to sit down.

Meena peeked at Aranea who looked far from pleased that she had been forced to come to this dinner; she sighed knowing that this wasn’t going to be easy.

“How was work?” Carlos asked trying to be polite, he had never approved of Meena’s decision to become a nanny and drop completely out of education but he understood why she had done it.

Meena looked at her father, they had never truly seen eye to eye on things and she hoped that this was a turning point for them.

“Work was good,” Meena said simply, she sipped on her water hoping that the dinner wouldn’t drag; she wanted to get home as quickly as possible since Neymar wanted her to attend his training session tomorrow with Davi.


“Any boys in your life?” Carlos asked awkwardly, he knew it was a stupid question but he worried about Meena and he knew that being here in Barcelona had helped her after what had happened.

Meena looked at her father, she messed with her pasta knowing why he was asking; she took a deep breath as her mother looked at her, they were only worried about her after what had happened.

“I’m seeing someone,” Meena confirmed not wishing to tell them that she was dating Neymar, she wouldn’t tell them who it was until she was sure that this was going somewhere.

Gabrielle stared at her daughter, she was thrilled to hear that Meena was moving on; what had happened to her had been awful and she was pleased to see Meena rebuilding her life.

Meena had sworn off men after what had happened with Miguel Cortez, she had only really been on first date with people and to hear that she was actually dating made Gabrielle happy.

“Does he know about what happened?” Carlos asked looking up from his steak, he ignored Gabrielle hitting him in warning; this wasn’t time for the talk about that.

Aranea rolled her eyes, she didn’t know why they were all acting like the worst thing ever had happened to Meena when it was probably something stupid.

“Does anyone know what really what happened,” Aranea mumble messing with her food, she didn’t look up at the glare that her mother gave her; she didn’t even know what had happened but she was sure it was something completely stupid.

Meena closed her eyes, she never wished for anyone to go through what she had been through and she wished her sister would understand why she had to move away even if she could never be told what had happened.

Carlos shook his head, he would speak to Aranea later about her bitterness towards her sister; it didn’t make Meena want to spend time with her parents.

“I haven’t told him… I’m waiting for the right time,” Meena said softly looking at her mother, she was grateful for everything that Gabrielle had done for her since what had happened.

Meena had always been so close with her mother and she knew that she could trust her mother with anything; Gabrielle would never judge her for what she had done after the year from hell.

“Your dress is lovely,” Gabrielle said trying to change the subject, she looked at the red zip front dress that Meena had paired with black T-bar strappy heeled sandals.

Meena nodded her head, she peeked down at what she had worn for the dinner; it had been a while since Meena had been to dinner like this with her parents and she had missed it.

“Have you thought about getting your own apartment?” Carlos asked knowing that Meena lived in a student complex with two male friends, he wanted better for his eldest and he knew that she was nearly twenty-two years old.

Meena nodded her head, her birthday was next month and she hadn’t truly thought about what she was going to do soon; Neil was nearly done studying and they would be kicked out of their home soon so new students could move in.

“We’re looking around…” Meena said making it clear that she would be moving with the boys, she felt safe with them and Erica would be moving in with them.

Carlos nodded his head, he was glad that she had good friends here in Barcelona, they were a lot better than the ones that she’d had back in Lisbon.


“Do you have any plans tomorrow?” Gabrielle said as Carlos moved to pay for their meal, they were all preparing to head home and she knew she’d be busy in the morning with her husband.

Meena nodded her head, she had a feeling that she knew where this was going and she doubted Aranea would be pleased that Gabrielle was trying to find her a babysitter.

“I’m taking Davi to watch his pai train tomorrow,” Meena said getting to her feet and collecting her bag, she peeked at Aranea who was glaring at Gabrielle; she could see an argument brewing.

Gabrielle smiled, she would speak to Aranea later about her attitude and she hoped that her youngest would get over her petty behaviour; she had never forgiven Meena for moving away or pushing her away.

“That’s sounds interesting doesn’t it Ara,” Gabrielle said smiling at Aranea, she hoped that by spending the day with Meena that she would understand that Meena was still her sister.

Aranea scoffed at her mother before she grabbed her mobile and stormed out of the restaurant to wait by the car; she couldn’t believe they thought that she needed someone to watch her while they were at their meeting.

“Ahh to be fifteen again,” Gabrielle mused shaking her head, she knew that Aranea was having problems but she knew it was best if her daughter never learnt what Meena had been through.

Meena nodded her head, she sighed wishing that her sister wasn’t so difficult; she didn’t understand that she was better off not knowing.

“So do you mind watching her tomorrow?” Gabrielle said hopefully as she wrapped her wrap around her, she smiled knowing that Meena was good with kids and maybe she could talk some sense into Aranea.

Meena nodded her head, she doubted that Neymar would mind if Aranea tagged along with her; she doubted that her sister could cause much trouble. 

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