Chapter 32

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3rd POV

Gob: I told you. I am damaging you biologically.

Adam: What did you do to me?

Gob: I have destroyed most of your neuro cells.

Adam: What? How?

Gob: Every time I hit you, an electric impulse goes across your body. Thus I am in control of your body.

Adam: HAH. Then how can I do this?

Adam stood in place and did nothing.

Adam: What? Why can't I walk? I could move a minute ago!

Gob: Oh, you mean, when you tried to punch me and kick me? That was my doing.

Adam: How did you do what I wanted?

Gob: It seems you are not familiar with my skills. My skill has evolved into Electrical Field.

Adam: You are making this up.

Gob: Are you sure?

Adam punched himself on the head again. Gob walked closer and smiled.

Gob: It's time to end this.

The veins on Adam's leg started to swallow, and it slowly went onto his torso then to his hands and slowly to his head.


Gob walked right in front of him and pointed at him with his right index finger. On his finger, an unfamiliar electric rhombus appeared. Gob touched Adam's head with this strange skill, and Adam's eyes filled with blood and started bleeding, but it couldn't bleed because the blood instantly vaporised as it appeared. Gob let go of Adam.

Gob: Not even a monster like you should survive brain damage of this scale.

Adam was looking at the ground but as Gob stepped away penetrated Gob's stomach with his bare hand. Gob jumped away as fast as he could. Adam slowly stood up. His las wing turned blue, and he couldn't close his mouth properly, because his teeth grew and were very sharp.

Adam: I am no monster. I am a GOD.

His voice got much deeper and was like a rattle.

Gob: How are you able to move?

Adam: I am controlling my body with my own powers.

Adam stepped closer to Gob.

Adam: Thanks to you, I have almost achieved my goal.

Gob: ???

Adam: And I found you worthy, to learn why I am doing this

Adam looked deeply into Gob's eyes and continued.

Adam: I cam from a different world just as you did. I had a great family, a son and a wife. But one day I was killed, and I reincarnated in a second world. I obtained extraordinary powers, but when I faced my first opponent, I almost died and woke up in this newer world.

Gob: Then why, did you decide to destroy many lives?

Adam: I am not finished yet... I became the first god of this world. I learned that I can go back to my original world if I achieve my final form. Or as I call it, the Fifth Reich

Gob: So you would destroy an entire world, to go back to your family is that so?

Adam: Indeed.

Gob: Then what is up with being the useless hero?

Adam: I made it up. I never would have expected you to achieve such powers as a normal human being.

Gob: I see. That is one more reason for me to eliminate you.

Adam: I shall send you straight to hell.

Gob: First, you have to kill me.

Adam: No, I don't have to.

The ground under Gob started turned green and started glowing, then green hands grabbed Gob's leg and started pulling him down.

Gob: What the fuck?

Gob tried to resist, but more and more hands appeared and started pulling him down.

Adam: It was fun.

As Gob disappeared, he saw a yellow light and found himself in front of a large dark castle. Everything around that structure looked nice. The trees and the bushes around it looked lively. As he looked around, he saw that only that building had an average environment. If he looked elsewhere, he saw dead plants, bushes and trees.

He decided to get closer to the castle, but the doors opened, and a dark cloud appeared in front of him. The cloud had two red eyes.

???: So we meet again, Gob.

Gob: Who are you, and how do you know my name?

???: Let's say that you are me, but I am not you.

Gob: What are you saying? Explain it.

???: I can not describe this one.

Gob: What do you want?

???: Me? I just saved your life, yet again.

Gob: What? How?

???: When you entered this realm, did you see that yellow light?

Gob: Yes.

???: That was my doing.

Gob: Why did you teleport me here?

???: I did not teleport you here. Adam was the one who did that. I just altered your destination to a safer one.

Gob: Why should I trust you? You are nothing more than a dark cloud with eyes, and you live in hell.

???: You are right. Have you ever wondered what would have happened if you didn't learn the skill called Death Defying?

Gob: No.

???: Then you should know that you would have already died quite a few times. But thanks to that your HP can not go below zero, and thus you are unable to die. To put it simply you are immortal.

Gob: How do you know that?

???: I was the one who helped you and gave you that skill.

Gob: And why did you call me here of all the places?

???: You might be strong in that world, but here, you are nothing. I could easily defeat you with your own skills.

The cloud turned into a more human form but looked like he was made of gas.

Gob: How can I escape from this place?

???: Simply go back where you came. And I will help you one last time, and after that, in the near future, we will meet face to face once more. Now go!

Gob: Wait I still have questions.

The strange man didn't hear what Gob said because he vanished.

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