"And that's how me and my mother was convinced that he was the person behind what happened." You ended telling Taehyung your reason to be mad at Bang Si Hyuk.

Taehyung was listening carefully, each word registered in his mind.

He was surprised to find out the facts you had stated, and maybe he had found a few puzzle pieces.

How do I join the dots, how do I solve this puzzle? Was the only thought running through his mind.

He was more confused than before but wasn't yet ready to talk to you about it.

Then he realised that you were sitting right beside him.

Let it go, I have y/n. That's all I want. He thought.

"I think we should eat and  sleep now." He said after a wide yawn, standing up.

You smiled and stood up in front of him, ready to shut the door behind him.
But before he would leave, you wanted to thank him.

"Thanks Tae Oppa, for being by my side, when no one was. When no one could have saved me. You're an angel." You said and hugged him.

He was surprised. He smiled and rubbed his hands on your back and breathed deeply.

"I'm not an angel, believe me, I'm not. But I'm trying to be a good man for you." He said, holding on tightly.

"Doesn't matter, I see you as a saviour. On that note! I'm starting your cartoon tomorrow." You said and tried to pull away.

He didn't loosen his grip.

"Stay like this, for a while. I was afraid of loosing you." Taehyung said in his usual deep voice but somehow, he sounded truly sincere.

You didn't reply for few moments. He took those moments to pull you closer and feel your warmth.

Your heart was beating faster and so was his.

"You are just afraid to lose your human translator, video game, mannequin, tannie thief and a stupid fangirl who gives all the inside news to you, huh. Isn't it?" You said, pulling away.

He laughed. His laughter filled the room. It was music to your ears. You felt at peace. As if no one could harm you anymore. His eyes closed and his mouth was open wide as he laughed.
He looked beautiful.

He's the Only angel on Earth. You thought.

"No, I was afraid of losing my stupid friend who never listens to me and swoons over everyone she sees except for me." Taehyung said, placing his hands on your waist.

"What?? I don't obsess over everyone, my one true love is Seokjin Oppa." You said after slapping his hands, but he didn't remove them, he only tightened the grip. your eyes fell on his exposed veins, his glowing skin.

You felt yourself losing. You felt yourself melting in the charisma of his eyes and the honey like voice that left his kissable lips.

"I see, that's why my inbox is filled with Jin hyung's meme faces for past two days.. wait, wait." He pulled you closer, "Last week, it was Hoseok Hyung's memes, before that, Yoongi hyung's? And your lockscreen is Jimin? Your icon is Jungkook and you keep singing Namjoon's 'mono' all day and that" he left your waist. "....even when you live in my house? How is that fair?" Taehyung said, walking closer and closer and closer and closer until your back hit the wall.

Taehyung licked his lips.
Your aura was consuming him. Only he knew how he was resisting the urge to crash his lips into yours and savour them.

"S-so wh-what? Atleast I don't, I don't wake up in their beds...huh.. like the women in yours." You said, nervously, your heartbeat racing.

Taehyung wanted to let loose. He wanted to forget everything at the moment, he wanted to let you know what you meant to him and here he was, appearing to be horny because, yes, he was.

You turned him on. Your shiny hair that fell upto your waist. Your weak arms under your smooth skin, your plump, pink lips, your starry eyes, your small body, your cute expressions, and the way your flicked your tongue, all of you, everything about you, turned him on.

"So, are you jealous of those women? Do you want to wake up in my bed? I thought we were just friends?" Taehyung said, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.

"Whatever, nothing about you is appealing and my burger is there on my bed, waiting for me." You said, taking that moment to escape his trap.

Taehyung pouted and followed you to the bed.

He sat beside you, watching you eat.

He didn't say a word, you didn't say anything either.

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