Chapter 9: Part of the Pack

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I hoped Keith hurried.





Daven spread the files across the desk. “These are the packs that haven’t been seeing a normal increase in pack numbers lately. They’re all healthy packs, so there’s no reason they shouldn’t.”

“That’s a lot of packs.” I shuffled through a couple.

“Well, Jesse was helping me. The ones with a blue marker are allies. The red, well you can figure it out.” He folded his arms. “He thought it would help you.”

“It does,” I sighed, picking up some blue marked folders. “It should be easier to check these packs than the others.”

Daven nodded. “Good idea, start with them. Well if you need anything else, give me a call.” He gave me a wave as he exited the room.

One of these, one of these had to be the lead that I needed.






“West?” Keith rubbed my shoulder.

I slowly rolled over. My hand had done numb. The wound was still open and bleeding.

Keith grabbed my wrist and licked the small incision. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think he’d do that.”

Nodding, I slowly sat up.

“Are you feeling alright?” He sat down beside me and rubbed my back.

“My heart hurts.” I rubbed my face with both hands.

“Well, I’m done for the day, so we can go back to the apartment.”

He helped me to my feet and kept his arm around my shoulder as we made our way upstairs. Reaching the apartment door, he unlocked it and held it open for me. I trudged inside and went straight to the bedroom. I rolled onto the bed and laid there, exhausted. My body had to work way too hard to neutralize the alpha’s toxins.

The bed sunk behind me.

“Do you want something to eat? It’ll help boost your energy.”

“I’m not hungry,” I breathed. I looked at my palm. A thin scar had formed over the wound.

Keith laid down beside me and put his arm over my waist. “Tonight we’re going to have to. My dad will check again.”

“Your dad is a horrible man.” I rolled over and put a pillow over my head.

“West,” breathed Keith. “I don’t want to see you getting hurt.”

“I know,” I muttered, laying on my stomach. “I don’t understand what kind of alpha would do that for no reason. That stuff hurts. I’m not a sub, but I’m not highly ranked either.” I shifted my weight and picked at the blankets.

“He did have a reason, West.” He ran rubbed his hand through my hair. “He told me to mate with you, and I didn’t. We disobeyed.”

“You disobeyed,” I hissed.

“You didn’t complain when I said we could wait.”

Exhaling sharply, I sunk into the bed. “Maybe.”

“Not maybe.” He clicked my chin. “We did, so do you want to mate tonight, or face my father again tomorrow without my enzymes.”

I groaned. “Is there a way that doesn’t involve sex? Like an injection,” I offered. “Or a pill. Midfield it inventing all sorts of shit these days. That should be out there.”

Lost in Captivity (Book 6)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant