"Now I'm your family, babe..." Yibo tightened the hug on Zhan. He kissed Zhan's cheek.

They stayed like that a little longer, looking at outside the window that still serve the darkness to be watched.

"Wanna have early morning stroll? There is a bakery that opens since 3 AM a few blocks from here..." asked Yibo.

"Yeah.... I kinda hungry..." replied Zhan.

Yibo smiled. He straigtened his back and reached out his hand, waited for Zhan to grab it. Zhan took Yibo's hand, and hand in hand they walked out of the room.

A maltese's whine appeared in the living room. In the dim light, a white shadow flashing towards them. The maltese bouncing up and down in front of Yibo's legs and climbed on his legs.

"Hey, Buddy...! How're you?" Do you miss me?" Yibo crouched down and carried the small dog.

The maltese licked Yibo's face and barked.

"Ssshh... You waking up everybody, Bud....!" Yiibo giggled. He stroked the dog's head. He turned to Zhan who watched them with smile formed on his lips.

"Look who is coming? Momma is here...." said Yibo, glancing at Zhan.

Zhan hit Yibo's back. Yibo laughed weakly. The dog barked at Zhan.

"He's greeting you, Babe....!" said YIbo.

Zhan glanced at Yibo. Yibo put the dog in front of Zhan, asked him to pat it. Zhan slowly pat the dog's head, and the dog was looking at him and kept quiet.

"He likes you...." said Yibo.

"Is he?" Zhan glanced at Yibo.

"He can sense that I love you so much...!" Yibo nodded.

"Rubbish!" Zhan glared at YIbo who grinning.

"Ok! Enough, Buddy. I want to bring your Momma for walk first. I'll bring you later. Let I enjoy your Momma first now....!" said Yibo, putting the dog down on the floor.

The dog still lingering around his leg and rubbed its head on it. Yibo hugged Zhan by his shoulder and led him to the front door.

They went out, left the maltese who ran back to his bed and curled up inside there.

They walked on the pavement, only wearing the sleeping attire and sleeping robe with slippers. They welcomed with the morning breeze that froze the bone. They hugged themselves with their sleeping robe.

"We're suppose to wear the socks..." mumbled Yibo, hissing to the coldness.

"Inside was warm...." replied Zhan.

Yibo glanced at Zhan who had his lips quivering due to the cold. Yibo wrapped his hands around Zhan. Zhan a little bit startled because they were now back in their hometown now, not anymore in Canada. But when he saw Yibo was smiling at him, he felt an ease in his chest. He smiled back at Yibo, and tilted his head to connect with Yibo's.

"Better?" asked Yibo.

"Much better...." answered Zhan.

The bakery was located about 6 blocks from Yibo's house. It's already opened since very early in the morning, where there were the bakers were busy kneading the dough and bake the bread and put them inside the ovens. The passser by would be able to see their kitchen activities through the wide windows that facing the street. The aromatic smell of the varieties of bread tickled the nose with its delicious aroma, hit by the scent of freshly grind of Arabica coffee that brew in the hot bronze pot.

Zan and Yibo entered the bakery and took a seat on the high chairs at the high table. Yibo went to the counter to order the bread and coffee. 

Talking, joking and laughing they enjoy their early morning, get rid of the sleepless night, forgetting the pain, accompanied with the fresh baked warm bread and hot coffee. Until the day began to lit up, they slid down their seats and headed home.

They reached home. The servants and gardener had been doing their duties. they greeted and bowed at Yibo when they saw the two men arrived.  Yibo's parents still hadn't woke up yet. Or maybe still in ygrir room. Yibo and Zhan walked cross the living room. They didn't see the maltese there. Maybe one of the servant was taking him for the morning walk.

"Heyy...! How's our newly wed couple?" suddenly Hao Xuan came out of the kitchen. He carried a glass of plain water in his hand. He  hugged Zhan and YIbo.

"How was the Honeymoon?" asked Hao Xuan, smirking at his little brother. Then he wiggled his brows at Zhan.

"Stop with your disgusting face!" Yibo pulled Zhan from Hao Xuan's embrace and took him to his side.

"Heyy... I just try to be nice to my brother-in-law!" cried Hao Xuan.

"You better go to wash your mouth! The smell is like dragon!" scowled Yibo.

Hao Xuan frowned. He breathed on his palm and smell it.

"I only drink a little last night...." he muttered.

"What time did you come back from the club just now?" asked Yibo, still with scowling face.

"What? I never go out last night. I sleep around 2. I also know when you both came back home. But I think your wife was a little sad. So I didn't come out....!" said Hao Xuan.

YIbo glanced at Zhan whole lowered his head.

"Aish.... I know it won't be easy. But it will be alright, Zhan. I saw  your father was thinking a lot recently. he doesn't hate you. You both just need time to understand each other....!" said Hao xuan, patted Zhan's shoulder.

"Yeah... I guess so...!" replied Zhan, lifted his head and smiled.

"Let's go bath first...!" said Yibo, pressed Zhan's body against his.

"Are you joining us for breakfast? Dad and Mother are coming down soon, I guess...!" said Hao Xuan.

"Naa...! We just from the bakery. We're quite full now....!" replied Yibo.

"Mm... Ok, then! Make sure you rub each other to get pup faster...!" Hao Xuan giggled.

Yibo flicked his big brother's head.

"Rude!" Hao Xuan scowled.

"Deserve you!" snorted Yibo. He pulled Zhan to the staircase and ran upstairs to Yibo's room.

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