Welcome to Iwatobi - Part 2

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He knew that living in close proximity with feral humans had made Makoto somewhat resistant to them – 'desensitised' was the term he had used. Perhaps to the point that he had developed bravado in all the wrong places.

But even with all the foolhardy decisions Makoto had made in the course of their time together, this was easily the stupidest, craziest, most ridiculous thing he had ever proposed.

Rin wondered what exactly that said about him for agreeing to go along with it. Reluctantly. Because he could see literally no other options and it was do or die in that very moment as the zombies approached.

Rin let out a low rasping growl, shuffling forward with as unnatural a jerk as he could manage. They had somehow managed to mill into the hoard at the fringes as they shambled past. Rin felt like he was going to piss himself, he was so afraid this entire plan would go to shit. He prayed that they had enough zombie guts still on them to get them past this without it going south completely. He regretted dunking himself with well water, but he was still wearing his nasty jeans and button up shirt that the spewer had puked on, not to mention his gas mask had been looted off a dead guy. Insofar as Makoto was concerned, well... maybe carriers still smelled like zombies. He didn't know. His mind was racing. His palms were sweating. He just needed to not bleed out or bump into anything or capture any attention whatsoever. He prayed zombies were stupid enough that if he happened to bump into one, it wouldn't realise he was still warm with blood. He was vaguely thankful for the fog for the damned obscure vision and bad smell, because he was sure it helped somehow, but holy hell, this was the worst possible situation he could ever be in and he was stiff with fear, which was probably a good thing because it made him walk like a zombie.

He wanted to talk to Makoto. He wanted to crack a nervous joke. Rin knew he had more guts than the next guy, but he had his limits, and he knew no one would think lesser of him for having a complete meltdown in this particular situation.

But he just couldn't afford to.

And it almost seemed like they could pull this off.

"Hnngh." A zombie walked into his back.

Rin felt his heart thunder in his throat.

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He couldn't really remember what happened after that. His sight had begun to fade, but he recalled feeling a tug. Before he knew what had happened, Makoto had pulled him into a deep alcove that had a hole through it. They quickly slipped through, making quite a bit of noise, but Makoto kept them moving and before long, they were through the other side of the building, looking down the back road he had mentioned earlier.

"Makoto," Rin couldn't keep his voice steady, "Stay still so I can punch you."

"You can punch me later, okay?" Makoto assured him, "Right now, it might make too much noise."

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