Shortening Islamic Arabic terminology

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From AGM and Darul Ilm


Many unfortunate ones deprive themselves of great thawaab and commit avoidable sins by corrupting the Masnoon Salaam of 'Assalamu Alaikum' with stupid abbreviations such as 'slmz, salaamz,' etc.

The Sunnat is to say the Salaam in full. The minimum requirement of the Salaam is to say: Assalamu Alaikum. The thawaab will increase if warah matullahi wa baraka tuhu is added. But saying or writing the stupid abbreviations is sinful.

Instead of thawaab, there is the danger of punishment for corrupting and abandoning the Sunnat method..

When the recipient of a letter reads the Salaam, it is Waajib to respond verbally. However, if a corrupt form of the Salaam is written, there is no need to respond with the Masnoon Salaam whether verbally or in writing.

A person who writes, slmz for example, does not deserve a Masnoon response. He/she deserves a sharp rebuke and naseehat.

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