The influence of secular education and the environment it is taught in

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One of the biggest Trojan horses to infiltrate our beautiful deen and imaan is undeniably the secular education system that we are exposed to. Even the slightest exposure to it has shaped our mindsets to have the Western concepts and ideologies within us, robbing us of our Islamic identity.

Modern 'secularism' was established to unite all people in a single movement and introduce global ideologies, with the concept of religion removed from the environment. Feminism, socialism, liberalism, nationalism, etc are all intertwined by this idea well.

These ideas are slowly introduced to us from the time we start school and gradually build up. As we minimally spend more than a decade in this education system, there is plenty of time to systematically brainwash us and reform our minds. The syllabus includes concepts that attack a person's imaan. Subconsciously, whatever of this venom is read and taught is transferred into the heart and mind of a person. Poison is poison, no matter the amount; it will always have an effect if there is no antidote for it, which in this case is to abstain from it or to have deeni knowledge regarding these matters and disregard it all.

In this way, they are able to form our world view and thereafter it is hard to change.

Here is a brief analysis of a few of the subjects that are taught in school:


In my opinion, it is the most useless subject; because nothing in this subject orientates you about the correct things in life nor do you learn any true life skills; with the most rubbish in it.

Prevention of teen pregnancies and usage of contraceptives in a "healthy (haraam - premarital) relationship" that are brought to topic can only ignite desires and encourage teens to 'explore' and irresponsibly lose their dignity. No wonder so many single teen mothers around.

HIV (STD) is a topic that is taught every single year. While the entire "transmission and prevention" is only taught later, the slow build-up on the topic does nothing but prepare the young child for a topic more disgusting and immoral.

So, in a world where it is regarded normal to do and normal to talk about, what is the way the child starts viewing it?

Sexuality is explained to be natural and normal, when this repulsive idea goes against the fitrah of mankind and even logic. While it may not necessarily be out rightly stated, it is opening the mind to accept LGBT UVWXYZ (I may just as well add the other alphabets because there are so many terms being introduced all the time).

(Recently the above has been included in the syllabus of the younger grades as well)

"Gender equality" and "roles" is a discussion, being a basis of introduction to feminism and a warped idea as to the role we have been created to fulfill. Along with all the careers that are mentioned, it would explain why many girls 'liberally' walk out of school with a determination to 'have a career' and be '(financially) independent'.


While literature itself is not the problem, it is the content that is chosen for it that causes the havoc.

If it's not present-day novels that are laced with haraam and modernism, or authors that have made a mockery of Islam, or stories that may seem harmless but in reality have disgusting and evil origins, then it is stories with backgrounds of centuries ago that contain satanic or Christian elements.

Many stories and novels portray a life that is deemed ideal, yet are filled with immorality that is portrayed as beautiful and rosy - and the most common themes are premarital/extramarital love and a story line stripped of any hayaa. All these things subconsciously enter the mind on a regular basis over time and become acceptable, starting from the Rapunzel-who-had-a-secret-lover fairy tale in preschool to Romeo and Juliet over a decade later.

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