Tip of the iceberg - therapies

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What is discussed here is just an eyelash on the tip of a huge iceberg; there is far more to it and this is solely for a basic insight on this for those who are not quite aware of all this.

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It seems to be looked at in annoyance, sometimes disgust, when it is suggested to anyone to seek the help of a counsellor or psychologist - to receive therapy. Especially amongst the Indian community, because 'why should I go, there's nothing wrong with me' or 'My son is fine, he doesn't need anything, look at how he's smiling'. It is feared that people will label them as 'mad' or 'needing help' or other similar lines of words.

Yes, many people have this mindset that they don't need counselling for themselves or loved ones; little do they know that sometimes it is needed for YOUR OWN improvement and mental health. People don't always know how to handle things and situations without guidance. It is biased in our community that you should keep up your relationship, not everyone sees how detrimental that could be when your partner breaks you past breaking point, or even worse, when they become a risk to your imaan. We are faced with the media at all times, it is very easy for someone to be influenced by it in a way that affects their mental health negatively. Peer pressure is so common. People, especially mother's in our community, believe their children are too innocent to know anything, too immature to understand things, too 'young' to be going through things that affect their mental health.

It has taken a long time for people to realise that sometimes they do need 'therapy' and they decide to start going for it - but the wrong therapies.

Over the past few years new sorts of therapies have been created and developed. They appear to be extremely helpful to people that undergo any issues. The benefits are portrayed as mind relaxing, peaceful, having more life and energy etc etc, among numerous others.

Many people have been participating in these therapies as they have come about. Many have seen positive results.

What has not been told and only quite recently been brought out, is that many, many of these therapies, etc are such a danger to us that we should literally not just fear our own lives, but the lives of our near and dear ones, as well as all the other Muslims, and all of our imaan too.

A new era has arised to be a very negative (not that any Western one was positive) revolution, an incredibly harmful one. This is a revolution of putting paganism, satanism, etc in the hearts of the mu'mineen.

It comes in the forms of all sorts of therapies, in the guise of emotional healing energy healing, healing therapies, etc. One of the worst form of these guises is that Islam is used to pull people in through courses and sessions where the imaan can be 'strengthened', where things - spiritual development, etc - (like the cleansing of the inner self, etc, things that require a lot of time and guidance from a sheikh - and not a self-proclaimed sheikh!) are claimed to be attained in a few days, etc.

In reality, these sort of courses and therapies are the reason people are going crazy, getting lost in weird things, behaving strangely. Some of these kind of things make one lose hayaa (and hayaa is a branch of imaan), taking on beliefs of other religions, believing in things other than what Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'aala has prescribed for us, making one doubt oneself as a Muslim, doubting one's faith and religion, causing trouble and havoc for people you.

Things that these therapies include are opening of the 'chakras' (opening 'energy centres' up to sources of demons - unknowingly - opening up to sources of 'energy'. Sidenote: where do these 'energies' come from if it's not jinni or shaitaani), submitting to other sources of energies, forms of meditating (which may seem harmless, right? Wrong) that is completely unacceptable, believing is sources of energy, etc. People are being used and manipulated and played, even hypnotized by these 'therapists' - or therapests..

In 'courses' of the road to 'healing', filthy things, 'Laws' of sorts (Law of the Universe, Law of Attraction) are discussed and put into belief.

All other doings that that totally put one out of the fold of Islam - and many times people don't even know what they are doing/is wrong.

Many of these sort of therapies have elements of kabbalah, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Shiasm, Hinduism, Japanese beliefs, jinniyaat, and Satanism.

The people that do these 'therapies' and conduct 'workshops/sessions/courses' can manipulate, sweet talk, hypnotize, cast their magic and shaytaaniyaat on one, all these are done subtly, so unnoticeable, to pull one deep into these dajjaali activities. Many of them try to get others to join in doing this, stating benefits and how it'll help, why it's so good, how it will affect your life and imaan 'positively', na'oothubillah.

The effects of these works are strong enough, and the fronts that these 'therapists' have been giving off have fooled and brainwashed way too many people into believing and hanging onto their words - even ulama have been caught in the trap of believing that it is a cure for emotional health.

That is why it is so important to read all the prayers for protection, morning and evening as prescribed in our kitaabs according to the hadeeth and sunnah.

Now, people do know that palm-reading, astrology, etc is haraam (even though some people do it), but does it stop there?

(Un)surprisingly, many of us don't even know where these kinds of things are found - in yoga, reiki, body talk, EFT, and sorts of other 'therapy-companies', and 'cults' that pull people in - because they come off as innocent and healing.

What appeared to be harmless and helpful, has actually been the cause of so much of turmoil in the country, in towns, in homes, and people losing imaan.

In all these sorts of therapies and courses, catchphrases are used that attract people into these things, like:

Natural Healing to the Mind
Alternative Healing Modality
Life Transforming
Muslim life coach
Finding True Purpose/Meaning in Life
Revolution to a New You

Some of these include:
EFT (Emotional freedom tapping)
Applied Kinesiology
NLP life coaching ....other sorts of so-called life coaching courses,etc
Body Talk
Aafiyah Healing
LifePrint Analysts

Outwardly and on the surface, these appear to be innocent, meaning for the good, a cause to help another person, but beneath the layers, the baseless, profit-making, greed for the world and feeling of power and controlling people are hidden.

Outwardly and on the surface, these appear to be innocent, meaning for the good, a cause to help another person, but beneath the layers, the baseless, profit-making, greed for the world and feeling of power and controlling people are hidden

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