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Looking around us, many of us are living a life of extravagance and luxury. We may not necessarily think so, but we are deeply consumed in this materialism.

Today we see so many things being done in excess; things are too much and too unnecessary.

We have a roof over our head, a place to sleep and food to eat, alhamdulillah ala kulli haal.

Let us look at the extravagance we have in our lives:

∆ We waste hours in the kitchen cooking food and meals, all to be devoured up in a few minutes. We want varieties of dishes and fancy foods.

We just need a simple meal. Occasionally and at functions we can have "grander" food. Yes, we can treat ourselves now and then, but within limits, without wastage.

We eat to live, not vice versa. Food should give us sufficient strength to carry out our ibaadah and day-to-day activities.

∆ On Eid days and at family gatherings or other functions our tables look like unicorns had spat on it! Not even lying. It's so colourful.

Always full of delightful dishes! Biryani, pulaos, meat dishes, mithais, varieties of biscuits, cakes and other bakings, juices and drinks.

∆ And the weddings/functions! Many people are invited, from far and wide of the family. Just for show and splendour. Millions are spent on one wedding, that leaves the parents in debt.

The hall/place where it takes place has to be grand and big. The food is expensive, because of the "quality" and quantity. And so much of it gets wasted. The clothes, that most probably won't even be worn again, are bought specially for the occasion. Time and money are wasted by buying, designing and fretting over it.

Who even cares about a wedding? Maybe those few people who will speak and criticise the food/dress of the bride/decoration/ any other petty things.

We don't need to impress people, do we? 90%, if not more of them, don't even care about you.

We need to obey Allah. He cares about every single one of us! We need to express our gratitude to Allah, for creating us to worship him, by worshiping him, so we can attain Jannah and meet our beloved Rabb.

What has happened to a simple nikaah, and sunnah walimah (from the groom's expense) that only requires whoever is there?

• Shaikhul Hadith Hadhrat Moulana Muhammed Zakariyya (Rahmatullah 'alaih) used to say, "I can't understand all these formalities for Nikaah, because Nikaah is an Ibaadah. When someone intends to perform two Raka'ah of Salaah, then must he print posters and send everyone cards asking them to assemble in the Jaami Maasjid before performing the two Raka'ah?"

• The walimah of Nabi (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam), the Rasool of Allah, to Sayyidatina Saffeeyah (Radiyallahu 'anha) was such a simple affair. He asked his companions to bring their own food. He spread out an eating mat and some brought dates and others cooking butter.

∆ When we eat, how much do we eat? The hadeeth says we should fill one third of our stomachs with food, one third with drink and the last third be left for air.

Contrary to that, we fill our bellies with food and still drink something after that.

• Sayyidina Miqdam bin Madikarib Radiyallhu anhu said: "I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: 'A human being fills no worse vessel than his stomach. It is sufficient for a human being to eat a few mouthfuls to keep his spine straight. But if he must (fill it), then one third of food, one third for drink and one third for air'".

∆ We have grand tables and chairs, dining sets, etc.

It is a sunnah to eat on the floor. A simple dastarkhan suffices for that. All those hundreds of rands (or whatever your currency is) that gets wasted on something unnecessary, could have been spent in a better course.

∆ Our beds are so big, soft and comfortable!

How was the bedding of our beloved Nabi (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam)?

∆ The furniture that we have - grand sofas, chandeliers, smart cupboards, etc. No need for that. We decorate our houses unnecessarily. We are not going to live in it forever. Jannah is the eternal abode we are striving for, and that is where we will have beautifully decorated mansions and palaces, in sha Allah.

Not all of us are used to living simply. Simple living can take time for some people; some adjustments be made. However, doing too much at once, is putting too much pressure on ourselves. Too much pressure makes us give up. We can take slow steps and change our life towards simplicity.

Simplicity is cutting out on extravagance and unnecessary things.

Living a simple life brings peace of mind and less headaches and stress (thus less health issues). We will find that we have more financial freedom, less clutter and a more organised structure of life.

Simplicity and humility are the keys to happiness.

To end of, In a narration, Sayyidina Abu Umamah Tha'labah Radiyallahu anhu has said that Nabi (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) has said, "Simplicity is a part [distinguishing trait] of Faith." (Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah, Ibn Hajar).

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