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I am a Muslimah, and I am LIBERATED. I have rights, values and worth that are nothing even near to the ideologies of this corrupt world.

I am liberated by being veiled from the eyes of predator men.

I am liberated by staying in my comfy home and being able to dress how I want to at home.

I am liberated by not being in an environment where there is intermingling and where I will be touched inappropriately.

I am liberated from being stared and ogled at by the lustful gazes of men.

I am liberated by being able to look after my family.

I am liberated by being a safe haven for my family and giving them the love, support and care they need.

I am liberated by providing for them a place of comfort.

I am liberated from being judged about how high or deep my neckline is or the length of my skirt or pants or top or how perfect or imperfect my body is.

I am liberated from having to have to follow standards of society that only break self esteem and self honour.

I am liberated from having to go out and work and coming home and having to clean and work.

I am liberated from having my chastity on a line or mocked and ridiculed.

I am liberated from staying away from street gossip and ‘flesh-eating’.

I am liberated because I am DIFFERENT from a man - different in physical, emotional, and intellectual strengths and capabilities.

I am liberated in so many different ways, too many to mention.

But no. Today the women want to be subjugated by how they look, what they wear, where they go, what they do, how and where they work.
Today the women want to go OUT in the open and compete with men and to show them a point; to prove something to the West.

Now there is so much immorality and problems: the youth are unchaste, the men meet women, there’s zina everywhere - of the eyes, heart, mind and tongue.
This is what causes so much of destruction.

Cheating happens....

Marriages get wrecked. So common today.

Unstable relationships. Especially between the people that are supposed to be of the most important in our lives.

Divorce. At high rates.

Broken families. Found everywhere. It impacts the children. They go out to find an outlet in the wrong places.

Broken homes, broken people, broken families. Now everyone has some sort of depression and psychological problem - visits to the psychologists and counsellors and who knows what else are frequented. Then money wasted unnecessarily.

The foundation for the house wasn’t set correctly, so the house crumbled. It’s a vicious cycle that carries on and on.

How to solve the problem?

We need to stop succumbing to modern liberalist and feminist and whatever other -ists ideologies.

Stop justifying the wrong; the forbidden for you; the makrooh for you.

If all the women can do what they need to do and follow what they are created to do - no unnecessary women roaming around, dressed scantily - so much of time and money can be saved; so many marriages and families will be happier and last so much longer; people’s mentality and emotions will be more stable; trust won’t be so scarce.

Let the men do their thing without having to be distracted and pulled into avenues of evil - that the women open up for them.


“(O Women)! Remain within your homes and make not a display (ofyourselves) like the exhibition (of immoral women) of former times of ignorance”. – (Surah Ahzaab, Aayat 33)

“Women should be concealed. Thus, when she emerges (From her abode of concealment) shaitaan surreptitiously pursues her (and lies in wait to create his fitnah of immorality)”. – (Tirmidhi)

“Allah curses the one who looks (at females) and the one to whom the gaze was directed (i.e. the woman who emerged unnecessarily from her home and thus caused men to glance at her.) “ – (Baihaqi)

Sayyidatina Umm Humaid (Radiyallhu ‘anha), the wife of Sayyidina Abu Humaid Saaidi (Radiyallahu ‘anhu) came to Nabi (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi wasallam) and said: “O Rasulullah! Verily, I love to perform salaah with you”. Rasulullah (Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) said: “Verily, I know that you love to perform Salaah with me. But, your salaah in your little room is superior to your salaah in your big room…” Thus, a room for salaah was erected for her in the remotest corner of her house and she remained performing Salaath therein until she met (i.e. died) Allah 'Azza wa Jal - (Ahmad, Ibn Khuzaimah, Ibn Habbaan)

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