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Diamond died to fix her families mistakes. She died for Toffee. She died for her daughters happiness, and that is something that will not be forgotten. No this wasn't Toffee's fault. It wasn't Star's grandfathers fault either. we as people make mistakes when we are scared, or hurt. Toffee's mistake was nothing more than trying to make peace with what had happened to him. his new mission, for diamond, protect Marco and Star. Finally Toffee felt content. Marco asked hint he other day if he loved her, if he loved Diamond. Toffee grinned and said," I don't know. She was very important to me, and that was enough." Marco smiled. Toffee liked that Marco and Star were together now. It was almost like he was making up for all his mistakes. He was making up for the lost time with Diamond by helping them. Marco and Star never took each other for granted. That day Marco had left her he really believed he would never get to be with Star again. This made their reunion so much more meaningful. Star of course loved Marco, and Marco loved Star. And  both of them looked on Toffee as a father figure. Star often asked Toffee about what her mom was like as a child, and he would tell the funniest stories. Toffee would remind Star," she was proud of you always." As for Stars Dad, he was upset about Diamonds death, but he was happy his daughter Star was happy. He and Toffee became good friends, and a treaty of equality was passed for all monsters. They fixed up Galafamor and shared the kingdoms as equals. Star's Grandfather never changed. Some people are too greedy, and too blind to see what really matters. He spent the rest of his days alone without love, without happiness. But he had his wands, and that was the way be liked it.  Marcos parents were overjoyed to see their son return alive and unharmed. It took them some time to get use to Star and Marco being a couple. They were happy for the both of them, but it was definitely a surprise. It was a sweet surprise though. On the day they returned to Earth, Marco and Star sat on the balcony staring at the stars. Marco then said," I kept my promise," and smiled. Star smiled too, "I promise."

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