Chapter 10

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The cleaved star continues to play the familiar memory. A young Toffee and Diamond run through a forest hunting around for 5 cornered items. The young diamond counted to five and the young toffee counted to 10, they giggled. " Diamond why do you always win this stupid game!??? She laughed," probably because I'm way cooler than you!" She playfully pushed young toffee to the groud. They giggle and she helped him up. Suddenly the memory fast forwards to teen years. Except this time it was diamond and her parents, no sign of Toffee. Her parents screamed at her," Monsters can't be trusted!" Diamond sobbed and ran to grab her dimensional scissors to go to Galafamor. She ran to Toffee and sobbed saying," they're coming, the war isn't going to stop!" Toffee grabbed diamond hand and pulled her into the safe house where they planned to wait until the war was over.  Diamond and toffee waited for weeks, they heard the sounds of war outside the hidden safe house. They thought they would be okay but it was not to be. The royals found the hidden dorm and demanded Diamond exit to be with her family or else they would murder Toffee. Toffee was asleep unaware of what was going on. Diamond walked out of the dorm, immediately her family scanned her for the wand, but she didnt have it with her. She assumes they wanted their daughter back but she was the least of their concerns, they wanted the wand. Toffee woke up, still unaware of what was going on outside, then he saw it, the wand laying there without an owner. He panicked and looked around but diamond was no where to be seen. He knew something terrible must of happened. Unknowing of the spell the royals put on the wand, he picked it up and screamed for diamond, he was trying to save her with it. Suddenly Diamond ran into the dorm, and saw Toffee holding the wand. A tear rolled down her cheek," they were right about you, you just wanted my wand!!!" Toffee screamed," No No i was-" the wand began to glow white, it was breaking apart. as the wand began to break, so did diamonds cheeks, everything began freezing around them. Toffee quickly dropped the wand on the ground. But it was too late.

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