Chapter 19

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Star glared at her grandfather, her eyes full of hatred. Her grandfather stuttered and said," Monsters are evil Star, we did what we had to do back then and we are doing what we must do now." Star began to scream at him, she said," MONSTERS WERE NEVER EVIL, IT WAS ALWAYS US! And now the innocent are dying because of us yet again." Her grandfather sighed and said," you are taking about the boy aren't you. Star he's not as important as we are, we are royalty, we are Mewnies future, he is just an average ignorant human, it's okay for him to die." Star's eyes filled with Fiery and Pain, her cheeks turned green, she put out her hand and waited for her grandfather to give back her wand. She then said," he is the most important person I have ever known, and if you don't tell me how to stop the evil right now..." She looked away from him but then said," I will destroy the wand for real." Star knew her grandfather didn't care about family, or love. All he cared out was power, he was everything wrong about the royal family. He froze and stuttered,"th-the only way to stop the dark magic is to transfer all the power to yourself and die. It can only be done by a Royal family member Star, we can't save him, we are too important." He hesitated, but handed the cleaved wand to Star. She nodded at her grandfather and left without a goodbye. He didn't deserve her respect. She was shaking as she entered the portal to Mewnie. She couldn't let Marco die for her, this was her mission. She was going to save him no matter what it takes. Nothing could stop her from doing so. Toffee watched her as she ran to the castle. He knew what she was going to do. But this time he didn't smile at the sight of this. He expected this to happen but it wasn't part of his plan. He couldn't wrap his mind around Star trying to save Marco, he didn't understand. Maybe because Diamond Didn't go back for him, she didn't come back. Diamond felt ashamed of this though. This was another thing Toffee did not understand. But most of all, Toffee didn't understand why every time something moved forward in his plan, he never felt happier, he never felt more contempt.

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