Chapter 15

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The cleaved star sparkled in the darkness. It's haunting green light, becoming strong and stronger every second. Everything the green light touched seemed to be slowly dying. Only one being, one person could stop this dimension from fading away. Only he could protect Star, only he could protect her wand. Yet he didn't know his knew forced destiny. In fact no one knew what was going on. That is until they woke up in the Morning. It was like any other day, Marco had forgot the incident that happened yesterday, and he rose out of his bed. He yawned , and began to walk to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Star was already up, as usual. She was in the bathroom struggling to brush her hair with a comb. Marco walked in and giggled at the sight of Star completely tangled in her hair, almost as if she was tied in a knot. She tripped over her hair and fell on the floor.  Star was very frustrated and muttered," ugh, I will never understand your Earth contraptions." Marco then stopped giggling and said," don't worry, I can get you out." He walked up to Star and began to untangle her hair. He unraveled the big knot, and they both giggled. But as Marco finished untying the knot. His hands began to glow green once again. He didn't notice, and he began to reach for Star's hand to help her up. As his hand came in contact with Star's, she screamed in horrible pain. Marco quickly removed his hand, and saw Stars grey lifeless hand. He looked at his hand and saw it growing green. He panicked screaming,"STAR, STARR!!" Star looked at her hand in horror," I-I'm okay Marco, its fine." Marco then let tears drop from his eyes," NO IT'S NOT FINE!!" Marco then noticed the grey slowly spreading down Star's arm. He screamed," STAR WE NEED TO FIND HELP!!" Star then weakly muttered," c-call my parents, they can help." Marco quickly screamed for his mom to call Star's parents. He didn't want to risk ruining her mirror too, but most importantly he didn't want to leave her side. "It's okay Star, my mom is getting help right now." Marco then saw his hand return to normal colour. He quickly wrapped him arms around Star. He sobbed and mumbled," Im sorry!

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