🤸PTG attempting backflips🤸

Start from the beginning

-ends up doing it over and over again until he gets it right



-Was dragged into a tumbling class with another member

-really doesn't wanna be here

-but they already paid for the class

-and Shinwon isn't a jerk

-he starts off with a spotter

-but then after 3 lessons they said he can do it by himself

-but Shinwon refuses to do it on the regular mat

-so they take him to the air track (kinda like a bouncey house)

-he gets ready and takes a deep breath

-but then the other member (probably Wooseok) makes a sound while he's mid-air

-and shinwon's face hits hard on the track

-실패 (failure)❌

Yeo One:

-A situation similar to Shinwons

-except he's the pushy one who makes the other member come with

-He's actually really good at tumbling

-Can do round off backflips till the day he dies

-Yeo one tells the other members of his success, and they ask to watch

-He agrees

-He goes to the end of the mat and looks to the side where the members are standing

-Hui is smiling and waving, Hongseok is recording, and Kino is praying with Shinwon

-the rest just sit and watch

-Yeo one takes a deep breath and starts running

-He does a round off

-jumps up for the back flip

-but it's not enough height

-he skids is face along the mat

-All he can hear is the roaring laughter from Shinwon and Hongseok

-And an even LOUDER gasp from Wooseok and Yuto

-Yuto ends up being the only one to check on him



-A mix of both Shinwon and Yeo one

-He got forced into a class, and ends up being really good

-but it's Yanan come on

-he doesn't tell any of the members that he can do a backflip tho

-because that would mean they'd come to see

-Eventually, when Kino comes to pick him up, the coach tells Kino about Yanan

-Kino eventually tells all the members and they show up to Yanan's practice with signs, glow sticks, and and noise makers

-Yanan looks to the side where the members are

-They all chant "MADE IN CHINA MADE IN CHINA" over and over again at the top of their lungs

-Yanan shakes his head and runs to do a round off backflip

-and does it effortlessly

-All the members run out onto the mat and hug Yanan

-screaming at the top of their lungs



-Saw Hongseok do it and lowkey thought he could do better

-So he secretly pulls out a mat in the dance practice room and starts practicing every night

-Like a normal person, he doesn't do great at first but slowly gets better

-Soon enough he gets to the point where he can do it without the mat

-And he does it perfectly

-landing on his feet and everything

-But one day

-he does it a little too close to a wall

-when he lands, he lands on his heels

-and stumbles back until his butt hits the wall with a thud

-Yuto's eyes grow wide as he looks behind him

-He put a hole in the wall



-Lowkey always wanted to tumble

-So when he found out Hui was going to try he wanted to try too

-Except he's not an idiot and seeks help from Yanan

-After begging Yanan to take him to class with him yanan finally caves

-When he does a backflip with a spotter, the spotter says he has it by himself

-Kino's eyes widen in surprise but he believes the spotter

-He takes a deep breath and shakes his nerves away

-When he's finally focused and ready to go he hears a faint "you got it!" From Yanan

-Kino goes up, tucks in his knees and lands on his feet

-He drops his chest and stumbles forward

-But quickly picks up his chest and stands up straight

-Being the excited hyper kid he is, he runs around the entire gym in excitement


-"yes Kino" Yanan smiles

-Kino tries to calm himself down to do another one

-and then lands on his face

-성공/실패 (success/failure)✅❌


-Never dreamed of a backflip

-Thought he was WAYY to tall for it to be possible

-but one day he saw Edawn do one in the park

-and decided that he should just try one 

-so before practice, he got to the practice room earlier than everyone else

-he looks around the room and thoroughly checks if anyone is here

-even checks to see if anyone is in the hallway

-When he's finally done checking he swag walks himself to the middle of the room

-"come one Wooseok you can do it"

-He shakes is body from head to toe

-He blows air out of his mouth before getting in position

-He goes up

-but then immediately comes back down

-his hands hit the floor first, then his forehead, and last his knees

-But he picks himself so fast that anyone who was watching would have zero idea what just happened

-because he's lowkey embarrassed

-he slowly swag walks/limps himself to the chair in the practice room


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