🚔 MLT successfully lie to the police 🚔

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MLT Successfully lie to police















Yanan is MIC mafia. My guy could get away with ANYTHING he wanted too. He's persuasive and GOOD-LOOKING?!



It'd be a matter of if Jinho WANTED to get away with what he did. If Jinho really did and came up with a good enough lie, my man would be in the clear.


Hongseok & Shinwon

With these two it'd be a CLOSE CALL. They'd be able to do it but JUST BARELY. Their eyes are shifty, hands are sweaty, knees weak, arms heavy and they're stuttering, but it isn't enough to alert the cops.


Edawn, Hui, Changgu

These three committed a crime, but they weren't able to cover themselves. Edawn said "um" way too many times, Hui started to laugh in the middle of his sentences, and when they asked Changgu to explain himself, all he could do was laugh.


Maknae line.

2 words. Giggling chaos. They wouldn't stop laughing over their cover story. They'd start making fun of each other for it😂😂.

Wooseok: "so conclusion the cat did it"


Yuto: "that's not even believable"

Wooseok: *laughing* "Shouldve blamed the dog"

Yuto & Kino: "THE DOG?!?!"

*instant chaotic laughter* 

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