🥢Pentagon when their order is wrong🥢

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-Would either politely tell them that his order is wrong or

-depends on how wrong the order is

-would nervously call the waiter over

-"umm excuse me ma'am... I asked for shrimp and broccoli.."

-he seems calm on the outside but is extremely nervous

-the lady just takes it back and bring him what he ordered

-he realizes he was panicking for nothing

-thanks the waitress with a shy, small smile


-To be honest, I feel like Hui wouldn't make a big fuss

-probably would be like:

-"aish they got my order wrong"

-"but it kinda looks go tho"

-takes a bite

-realizes it's probably better than what he originally ordered

-so he continues to eat it

-and forgets all about it being a wrong order


-wouldn't say anything about his order

-only eats the parts that are right

-will steal your food

-but blames it on his order not being right

-"Edawn stop eating my food"

-"But my order's wrong..."

-Was going to eat your food even if his order was right

-he just has an excuse now

-you eventually tell the waitress that his order was wrong

-she returns with Edawn's correct order

-and you eat his food because he ate yours


-would stare blankly at his food

-blinking a couple times

-you have to ask him what's wrong

-"Hongseok you okay?"

-"No my order is wrong :( "

-would pout about it

-doesn't call the waitress over

-but instead just waits until she comes back around

-he smiles at the waitress while he talks with her

-but when she's gone he sulks again

-later leaves a three star review and a passive aggressive review on yelp


-would open the wrapper to his sandwich and take a big bite

-and then realizes they left pickles on the sandwich

-he spits it out into a napkin and looks at his hamburger in disgust

-"how dare they leave the pickles on my sandwich"

-"Shinwon they're just pickles, just pick them off"

-he gasps and clutches his heart

_"pickles. Do. Not. Belong on my sandwich"

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