💴 forgotten wallet💴 ~Yeo one

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I was finally finished shopping for both of our dorms. I let out a breath as the cashier scans my items. My phone in my left pocket suddenly causes my entire left leg to vibrate. Frantically fumbling with my phone in my pocket, I answer:


"Changgu-hyyuuunnngg~" Wooseok whines into the phone. I quickly remove the phone from my ear bring it back.

"Your totals is $150.78" smiles the cashier. My instant reaction is to give her and equal smile and pay her with the card in my wallet. I shift the phone to rest on my shoulder as I talk to Wooseok.

"Wooseok what do u wannntt"

"Can you get me gummies hyung 🥺"

"Wooseok I-"

"I'll pay you back!" He begs me some more. I set my wallet down and swiftly turn around to pick up the gummies

I know Wooseok loves so much.

"Fine. Fine" I sigh handing the gummies to the cashier.

"It's in the house"' she beams again, scanning the gummies and handing them

back to me. "Oh really?!" I blurt, running my empty hand through my hair. She gives me a blissful nod and I bow and smile at her.

"You hear that? You got free gummies Wooseok!"

"GUMMMIIIEEESSS" is the last thing I hear Wooseok scream into the phone before he hangs up.

I sigh and smile at my phone and shove it into my pocket. The bag boy hands me my cart and wishes me a good day, I wish him the same and we wave each other goodbye.

When I get to my car, I quickly load the groceries in and hop in. I feel my pockets for my keys and wallet, finding my keys....but my wallet is missing. Starting to panic, I make sharp movements to look at the floor underneath me, and then walk around my car to see if I dropped it there.


My heart stops before sinking all the way to my feet. Initially, I take out my phone to tell my bank to cancel my cards, but then realize I could've just left it by the cashier and dash inside the store like a mad man.

Once I reach the inside, everyone's eyes are on me and time stops as I pan the entire store looking for my wallet. The cashier lady looks at me with wide, surprised eyes before I dash to the cash register.

Miss "Stephanie" I read on her tag, hold my wallet between two fingers and gestures it to me.

"You left it on the counter sir. I was dialing your number when you-"

"OMG THANK YOU THANK YOU!" I kiss the outside of my wallet and spin with it between my hands. Stephanie smiles at my goofiness and bids me well. I thank her once again and run out the store, holding my wallet up to my heart.

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