✂️ MLT cut in line ✂️

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Mlt cut in line











Jinho and Changgu

I feel like if someone encouraged Changgu to do so, he would, but if someone tried to convince Jinho he'd be like "no"



He's just plays games too fair🥺. One time they were playing a game and he could've won but it wasn't right so he chose to loose instead🥺. HES JUST TOO PRECIOUS TO SKIP.


Kino& Hongseok

They just act the same lmbo. If it was something that they were waiting HOUUURRRRSSSS for, they'd skip the line. It also depends who they were skipping. If it was a child or an elderly person they'd try to patiently wait.


Hui & Edawn

Kinda like Kino and Hongseok, except more impatient. Edawn would look at Hui and Hui would then try to hide his smirk as they pretend to know the person I'm front of them in order to Skip the line. If the line was over 30 minutes they wouldn't bother waiting and would just squeeze right in.


Wooseok, Yanan, & Shinwon

These three don't give a FLYING FRENCH FRY about who they're skipping, or how long the line is. If it's over 5 minutes they'll either squeeze right in or use they're height to their advantage and semi-intimidate the people in line, causing them to shuffle out the way. 

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