🤸PTG attempting backflips🤸

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-would be the only level headed one

-actually practiced and got a coach

-is really nervous before attempting

-"are you sure short people can do this?"

-"yes Jinho stop being a baby"

-Wouldn't get the others to watch him but they somehow found out

-gets even more nervous when he finds out Hui's recording.

-Hui: you're doing great sweetie!

-Shinwon: Nah make it funny and do a flip!

-Edawn: Try not to die!

-He almost dies, but he succeeds



-Saw a YouTube video and decide it was his next challenge

-"I've done tumbling before I can sure do it again"

-is a LITTLE too confident

-He stretches and does a few cartwheels and round offs before attempting

-would grab Shinwon and Kino to come watch

-Kino: this isn't a good idea Hyu-

-Hui: oh I've done it before

-Shinwon and Kino exchange VERY worried looks before looking back at Hui

-Hui takes several deep breaths and swings his arms in prep

-He jumps up, his body lifts off the floor and his knees tuck into his chest, but as soon as he's parallel to the floor, he drops his hands and falls on his face.



-Heard about Hui failing and decided he could do better

-"doesn't need" any type of help

-starts by wall flips

-and can surprisingly do wall flips

-he keeps doing them until Yanan comes in and says "How long will you do that until you do an ACTUAL one"

-Yanan didn't mean anything by it

-He's just blunt

-But Edawn took it as a challenge

-He does one wall flip in prep before attempting an actual backflip

-when it comes to the actual flip he doesn't think about it took much and just flips

-cause he knows if he thinks too much it'll throw him off

-The flip looks REALLY wonky, but he does it

-성공 (success) ✅


-Was probably doing a handstand from a seated position when this idea came

-Warms up and stretches before

-He attempts the backflip multiple times but CANNOT get his feet off the ground

-He's too nervous and is overthinking it too much

-ends up taking him multiple days to even ATTEMPT it

-he doesn't do bad on his first attempt

-he lands on his feet but falls forward, catching himself with his hands

Just Pentagon thingsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें